The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part I: The Federal Convention of 1787, Chapter 1-4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Madison and Jefferson want to do about judges?
(a) Protect them from popular politics.
(b) Review their judgments in the Congress.
(c) Subject them to elections.
(d) Allow them independence in their rulings.

2. What did Randolph argue at the convention?
(a) That the Constitution would need to stress diplomacy with foreign nations.
(b) That the government needs to be strong to serve its purposes.
(c) That the Articles of Confederation were sufficient.
(d) That the states should be trusted with managing their own affairs.

3. What was cut out when the Constitutional Convention doted down part of the Virginia Plan?
(a) Congress's ability to declare war.
(b) Congress's ability to vote down state laws.
(c) Congress's ability to impose state taxes.
(d) Congress's ability to regulate interstate trade.

4. What opinion bolstered Mr. Sherman's view about where election should take place?
(a) He believed in a strong democracy.
(b) He believed that small states needed equal representation.
(c) He believed that the populace could be misled.
(d) He believed that people could be trusted with self-governance.

5. How many branches of government did Mr. Madison propose be elected?
(a) Three.
(b) He proposed that all government positions should be elected.
(c) Two.
(d) At least one.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Mr. Sherman say election should take place?

2. What did Madison and Jefferson feel about Virginia?

3. Which form of government includes a king whose powers are limited by a statement of the laws?

4. What thoughts did Mr. Madison express on the topic of elections during debate at the convention?

5. What was the Great Compromise?

(see the answer key)

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