The Anthropocene Reviewed Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anthropocene Reviewed Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Todd once tell Green about his thoughts on rivers when they sat near one once as teenagers in the review on Academic Decathlon?
(a) They are essential to human life.
(b) They keep going.
(c) They are worthless.
(d) They are mystical.

2. Who began sending copies of The Great Gatsby to troops overseas in 1942?
(a) The Smock Foundation.
(b) The Associated Press.
(c) The U.S. Council on Books in Wartime.
(d) The American Library Association.

3. What has happened to the weather over the last 100 years or so, as Green mentions in his essay on Air-Conditioning?
(a) It has gotten colder.
(b) He does not mention the weather in this section.
(c) It has gotten hotter.
(d) It has stayed the same.

4. Whose life and death coincided roughly with appearances of Halley's Comet?
(a) Mark Twain's.
(b) Teddy Roosevelt's.
(c) Winston Churchill's.
(d) Cleopatra's.

5. What genre does Green draw connections with to reviews?
(a) Fiction.
(b) Horror.
(c) Romance.
(d) Memoir.

Short Answer Questions

1. What country was the soccer player whose performance Green reviews in this section originally from?

2. Who wrote the book The Great Gatsby?

3. How many stars does green award to the Hall of Presidents?

4. About how many copies of The Great Gatsby sell in a typical year in at the time of this book's publication in 2021?

5. What does Green say the teddy bear is a reminder of?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Green first started using the internet as an adolescent, how did he feel about it?

2. What did F. Scott Fitzgerald think of the reviews of his book The Great Gatsby?

3. What does Green think of Canada geese today?

4. How does air-conditioning highlight matters of wealth and climate inequality?

5. What misconceptions does Green say most people have about velociraptors?

6. How did Jerzy Dudek achieve his legendary goal-saving in a 2005 soccer match, according to Green?

7. What habit did Green eventually replace smoking with that he feels is much less harmful?

8. What particular aspect of human existence does Green associate sunsets with that he says is hard to admit and that scares him?

9. What connection does the song "You'll Never Walk Alone" have to Green's favorite sports team in Part I?

10. What does Green think of the Hall of Presidents at Disney World?

(see the answer keys)

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