The Anthropocene Reviewed Test | Final Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anthropocene Reviewed Test | Final Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the most serious symptom Green describes from his serious illness in Part IV?
(a) Muscle pains.
(b) A terrible headache.
(c) Nausea.
(d) Bone pain.

2. How many stars does Green award to the serious illness he suffered from and that he writes about in 2014?
(a) 2 and a half stars.
(b) 1 and a half stars.
(c) 2 stars.
(d) 1 star.

3. What serious illness did Green contract in 2014?
(a) Viral Meningitis.
(b) Tuberculosis.
(c) Framingham Disease.
(d) A severe form of Influenza.

4. Where did Green first see Doi's ink drawings for the first time?
(a) At the Tate Modern Museum in 2010.
(b) At the Guggenheim Museum in 2019.
(c) At the American Fold Art Museum's show about obsessive drawing in 2006.
(d) At the Hirshorn Museum in 2017.

5. What creature does Green find a nuisance in his garden?
(a) Weasel.
(b) Mouse.
(c) Bird.
(d) Groundhog.

6. When did the famous Coney Island hot dog eating contest begin?
(a) 1970.
(b) 1980.
(c) 1988.
(d) 1967.

7. Who does Green write about often playing video games with as an adult?
(a) His brother.
(b) His wife.
(c) His best friend.
(d) His son.

8. Who does Green identify as one of his very easygoing friends in his review of whispering?
(a) Fred.
(b) Alex.
(c) Amy.
(d) Jenny.

9. Which cosmonaut was the first human to float freely in space, as Green describes in his wintry mix review?
(a) Jazclaw Dudzek.
(b) Pieter Franov.
(c) Alexei Leonov.
(d) Laika Romanov.

10. What does Green find in the section on Googling strangers when he finally Googles a very sick child he met years earlier?
(a) The child died.
(b) He can only find the child's twin brother.
(c) The child survived.
(d) He can not find the child online.

11. How old was Robert Burns when he died?
(a) 80.
(b) 72.
(c) 37.
(d) 45.

12. How many stars does Green award to Kentucky Bluegrass?
(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 3 and a half.
(d) 1.

13. What does Green write happened to the founder of Piggly Wiggly as he aged?
(a) He grew more generous.
(b) He grew more vitriolic and unpredictable.
(c) He mellowed.
(d) He grew more suspicious.

14. What did Coney Island used to be the capital of, according to Green?
(a) Friendship.
(b) Skating.
(c) Hucksters.
(d) Prostitution.

15. Who wrote the song Auld Lang Syne?
(a) Robert Burns.
(b) Rick Astley.
(c) Shakespeare.
(d) Mick Jagger.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was once long beloved as the greatest eater of all time in the hot dog contest at Coney Island?

2. Which toy company produces Monopoly?

3. Who was Green's boss when he suffered a mental health crisis in the section on Harvey?

4. How many stars does Green give to CNN?

5. Who was one of Green's roommates in 2003 who was glued to CNN while America Invaded Iraq?

(see the answer keys)

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