The Anthropocene Reviewed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anthropocene Reviewed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What class of drugs are usually used to treat Staphylococcus infections?
(a) Anti-virals.
(b) Antibiotics.
(c) Beta blockers.
(d) Narcotics.

2. What does Green say a good sunset always does to him in the review of Sunsets?
(a) Steals the words from him.
(b) Makes him cry.
(c) Makes him remember those he has lost.
(d) Makes him angry.

3. Who wrote the play Liliom that debuted in Budapest in 1909?
(a) Rodger Hammerstein.
(b) Vlolak Djokovic.
(c) Ferenc Molnar.
(d) Ted Henry.

4. Who took ownership of the site of the Lascaux Cave Paintings after WWII?
(a) The French government.
(b) The Swiss government.
(c) The U.S. Government.
(d) The German government.

5. What original form did this book, The Anthropocene Reviewed, take?
(a) E-Newsletter.
(b) Television show.
(c) Movie.
(d) Podcast.

6. Who began sending copies of The Great Gatsby to troops overseas in 1942?
(a) The U.S. Council on Books in Wartime.
(b) The Associated Press.
(c) The Smock Foundation.
(d) The American Library Association.

7. What publication did Green write some of his earliest reviews for?
(a) Napster.
(b) Publisher's Weekly.
(c) The Bookster.
(d) Booklist.

8. Who discovered penicillin?
(a) Rosalind Franklin.
(b) James Ogston.
(c) Joseph Listerine.
(d) Alexander Fleming.

9. What did Green once tell a girlfriend in college was his biggest fear?
(a) Death.
(b) Abandonment.
(c) Failure.
(d) Illness.

10. Which famous soccer player's performance does Green review at the end of Part II?
(a) Pele.
(b) Escobar.
(c) Jerry Hines.
(d) Jerzy Dudek.

11. What is one main reason for the large-scale shift in human geography, according to Green?
(a) Where churches are built.
(b) Financial markets.
(c) Animal migration.
(d) Air-conditioning.

12. When does the story of Diet Dr. Pepper begin, according to Green?
(a) 1932.
(b) 1885.
(c) 1950.
(d) 1920.

13. Which poet does Green excerpt a poem from in his review on sunsets?
(a) Emily Dickinson.
(b) Maya Angelou.
(c) Lord Byron.
(d) E.E. Cummings.

14. What large toy company did the original makers of the teddy bear eventually found and run?
(a) Ravensburger Toys.
(b) FAO Schwartz.
(c) Ideal Toys.
(d) Hasbro.

15. Where did Green get a Staphylococcus aureus infection several years before writing the book?
(a) In his brain.
(b) In his ankle.
(c) In his eye.
(d) In his hand.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Green grow up?

2. What country was the soccer player whose performance Green reviews in this section originally from?

3. Who is Green's brother that he often works with?

4. Where was the planetarium Green visited when he was 9 or 10?

5. What did the author of The Great Gatsby think of some of its earliest reviews?

(see the answer keys)

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