The Angels Weep Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Angels Weep Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When alone the two men in the Land Rover always speak English. What language do they speak when anyone else is listening?
(a) Sindebele.
(b) Spanish.
(c) Matabelean.
(d) Rhodesian.

2. What is the name of Craig's book that is about to be published?
(a) And It Came to Pass.
(b) Flight of the Falcon.
(c) War of the Worlds.
(d) Peace No More.

3. Who is Bawu's grandfather?
(a) Harry.
(b) Cecil.
(c) Ralph.
(d) Zouga.

4. When Samson is awakened in the middle of the night by bright lights and voices insisting they come out of the house, who is on the front lawn?
(a) The African Army.
(b) The Rhodesian Army.
(c) The ZANU.
(d) A terrorist cell.

5. Who delivers the final death blow to Mungo St. John?
(a) Gandang.
(b) Juba.
(c) Bazo.
(d) Tanase.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Tungata arrives at the Khami Hospital, who is there to greet him?

2. Who leads the ZANU wing of the liberation army?

3. In Lusaka, who does Tungata refer to as "Baba"?

4. Who comes to Craig's yacht in Bawu's place to tell Craig that Bawu has died?

5. After Ralph and his men attack and kills the Matabele at a nearby base, how many horses does Ralph take back from the Matabele?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Tungata Zebiwe's bus is boarded at a roadblock, why does Tungata fear that his forged employment papers might not be enough to get him through the roadblock?

2. When Gideon suggests that Samson come back to the mission to teach, Samson declines dejectedly and tells Gideon that he has only learned two things he could teach the children. What are those two things?

3. When Gideon is asked to join the two men that appear at his house, Gideon declines because he is old and blind. How does the elder of the two men respond when Gideon declines?

4. When the British intelligence chief coordinator expresses bewilderment at how the terrorists can move freely, how does Leila explain it to him?

5. When Ralph first reaches home, he sees movement and is overjoyed. Minutes later, his joy is dashed. Why?

6. Why does Robyn insist on staying at Khami Mission and not flee for her life?

7. Why does Tungata ask for Janine's flight information for her return trip from Victoria Falls?

8. When Tungata and his men are spotted by Scouts, why does Tungata's thinking suddenly turn cold and clear?

9. When Juba and Tungata do not keep up with the other children, what does Tungata offer to do for Juba?

10. Why is it so ironic that Jonathon refuses to give any money to Craig?

(see the answer keys)

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