The Angels Weep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Angels Weep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many blades does Bazo promise the Matabele warriors that they will have by the time the great storm begins?
(a) 1,000.
(b) 2,000.
(c) 3,000.
(d) 5,000.

2. How long after Cathy's sisters arrive at the camp does Cecil decide to leave the camp?
(a) Sixteen minutes.
(b) One hour.
(c) Thirty minutes.
(d) Three hours.

3. As Ralph heads to Johannesburg, what does he leave behind for Cathy?
(a) A letter.
(b) A telegram.
(c) A picture.
(d) A protector.

4. When Ralph tells Harry to take the women to Bulawayo alone, where does Ralph head to?
(a) Harkness.
(b) Cape Town.
(c) Khami.
(d) Kimberley.

5. Who do the Matabele refer to as One-Bright-Eye?
(a) Ralph Ballantyne.
(b) Cecil Rhodes.
(c) Leander Jameson.
(d) Mungo St. John.

6. According to the news from Bulawayo, how many men does Jameson have mounted and armed?
(a) 300.
(b) 350.
(c) 600.
(d) 750.

7. According to what Ralph tells Cathy, what is a bottle of whiskey worth in Bulawayo?
(a) Eight pounds.
(b) Three pounds.
(c) Ten pounds.
(d) One pound.

8. What is the name of Gandang's most senior wife?
(a) Juba.
(b) Tanase.
(c) Manatassi.
(d) Babiaan.

9. When Ralph goes to short sell two companies, how many shares of each company does Ralph want to trade?
(a) Two hundred.
(b) Two hundred thousand.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Two thousand.

10. When questioned about the status of the railway line, how far along does Ralph claim the railway is?
(a) About two months ahead of schedule.
(b) About one month behind schedule.
(c) About two months behind schedule.
(d) About one month ahead of schedule.

11. How long do the indunas wait in the village before the Umlimo comes down from the cavern?
(a) Three days.
(b) Five days.
(c) Seven days.
(d) Ten days.

12. How much time has passed between when Zouga arrives in the land between the Limpopo and the Zambezi rivers at the beginning of the novel and when he had last been in this same area?
(a) Twenty years.
(b) Forty years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Thirty years.

13. How much older than Bazo's son is Ralph's son?
(a) Three years.
(b) Four years.
(c) Two years.
(d) Six years.

14. As he's trying to get out of going down in the mine shaft, what does Jan Cheroot claim to be?
(a) Sick.
(b) Sacred.
(c) A thief.
(d) A coward.

15. According to what Cecil Rhodes tells Jordan, what is the most important asset of any nation?
(a) Men.
(b) Diamonds.
(c) Gold.
(d) Cattle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the umbrella name for all of Ralph's companies?

2. When Bazo and Ralph part, when does Bazo tell Ralph that the two men will meet again?

3. Juba calls four stars in the night sky, Manatassi's Sons. What does Robyn call the same constellation?

4. When Juba comes to see Bazo, who is Juba upset with that Bazo insists must be killed?

5. To whom does Ralph sell his company?

(see the answer keys)

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