The Angels Weep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Angels Weep Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the estate where Zouga lives?
(a) Kimberley Club.
(b) Queen's Lynn.
(c) King's Lynn.
(d) Khami Mission.

2. When the three men find the area they are looking for, how many shafts does Zouga remember?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) Six.

3. When Cathy's sister finally arrive at the camp, who does Elizabeth greet first?
(a) Ralph.
(b) Cathy.
(c) Cecil.
(d) Jordan.

4. When Robyn tells Mungo to leave the mission, Mungo sees the sky turning an unusual color in the distance. What is Mungo seeing?
(a) Fires.
(b) Pollution.
(c) Locusts.
(d) Bees.

5. Which of the following is NOT a son of King Lobengula?
(a) Babiaan.
(b) Somabula.
(c) Diniswayo.
(d) Gandang.

6. At Khami Mission, who tells the girls that hundreds of soldiers are riding past the church?
(a) Old Moses.
(b) Old Abe.
(c) Old Mack.
(d) Old Bart.

7. How long does Ralph predict that it will take Cecil Rhodes to leave their camp after Cathy's sisters arrive?
(a) One hour.
(b) Three hours.
(c) One day.
(d) Three days.

8. With what does Zouga hope to replace the trek oxen he lost to the virus?
(a) Zebras.
(b) Elephants.
(c) Hippos.
(d) Antelope.

9. What animal comes to represent the beautiful and wild land between the Limpopo and the Zambezi rivers for Ralph Ballantyne?
(a) Antelope.
(b) Giraffe.
(c) Elephant.
(d) Buffalo.

10. How many men does Mungo request that Gandang send to work on the new gold mine?
(a) Two hundred.
(b) One thousand.
(c) Five hundred.
(d) Three hundred.

11. According to the news from Bulawayo, where are Jameson's men preparing to attack?
(a) Pitsani.
(b) Kimberley.
(c) Cape Town.
(d) Johannesberg.

12. Before the occupation of the company, when a senior wife of an indunas had traveled, how many attendants would be with her?
(a) Ten.
(b) Forty.
(c) Thirty.
(d) Twenty.

13. As the story opens, how many days have the men marched east from the ruins?
(a) Six days.
(b) Eight days.
(c) Ten days.
(d) Nine days.

14. Who is Mzilikazi?
(a) Gandang's grandfather.
(b) Zouga's grandfather.
(c) Jan's grandfather.
(d) Bazo's grandfather.

15. When Bazo and Ralph part, when does Bazo tell Ralph that the two men will meet again?
(a) After the morning dews.
(b) After the crow flies.
(c) After the great storms.
(d) After the thunderous claps.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Bazo assign to kill Zouga and Louise?

2. After Ralph and Cecil fight, what does Jordan place in Ralph's stateroom on the train?

3. What present does Victoria give to Cecil Rhodes from her mother?

4. After Ralph sells his company, who does he next visit in Kimberley?

5. According to the news from Bulawayo, how many men does Jameson have mounted and armed?

(see the answer keys)

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