The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens & Rome Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Peter Connolly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens & Rome Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Peter Connolly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens & Rome Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: Rome, Pages 105 through 149.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. These events have a high risk of injury or death.
(a) Wrestling.
(b) Chariot races.
(c) Boxing.
(d) Track events.

2. Priestesses answer practical questions of the present and future here.
(a) Apollo at Delphi.
(b) Telesterium.
(c) Eleusis.
(d) Clepsydra Fountain.

3. Travelers do not travel at night because of these.
(a) Rats.
(b) Wild animals.
(c) Curfews.
(d) Muggers.

4. This ruler is given the title of imperator and Augustus in 27 BC, which changes Rome from a Republic to a Principate.
(a) Caesar.
(b) Octavian.
(c) Cinna.
(d) Mark Anthony.

5. At Olympia, women who watch the games are ___________________.
(a) Used as slaves.
(b) Considered lower class.
(c) Punished by death.
(d) Celebrated.

Short Answer Questions

1. Each household has one of these, dedicated to a specific God.

2. To protect its food supply, Athens decides they require a strong navy, the architect of which is this person.

3. Wealthy sons of Athenians are tutored by these, beginning around age seven.

4. This is where all public and political life are conducted.

5. This is the most famous Roman drain.

(see the answer key)

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