The American Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The American Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Urbain unhappy about at the engagement party?
(a) Newman's own happiness.
(b) Claire's dress.
(c) The fact that his best friend didn't show up.
(d) The way his wife is behaving.

2. Who tells Newman where the convent is that Claire has joined?
(a) Mrs. Urbain.
(b) Mrs. Tristam.
(c) Mrs. Bread.
(d) Mrs. Nioche.

3. What does Newman ask Valentin to do while they are at the opera?
(a) Get him another glass of wine.
(b) Forget Noemie.
(c) Stop looking so much through his binoculars.
(d) Stop talking during the show.

4. How does Claire seem as her marriage to Newman grows closer?
(a) Angry at him for putting her in this position.
(b) Questioning her decision.
(c) Happy and at peace.
(d) More and more stressed out.

5. Who first meets Newman when he has come to speak with Claire's mother and brother, supposedly for the last time?
(a) Noemie.
(b) Tristam.
(c) Mrs. Tristam.
(d) Mrs. Bread.

6. What does Urbain make sure to do at the engagement party?
(a) Make sure Claire never gets the chance to speak.
(b) Make fun of Newman behind his back.
(c) Drink a lot.
(d) Introduce Newman to all the important people.

7. How does Madame de Bellegarde thank Mrs. Tristam for introducing Claire to Newman?
(a) Sarcastically.
(b) Profusely.
(c) Quietly.
(d) Genuinely.

8. How does Valentin suspect his father died?
(a) By foul play.
(b) By natural causes.
(c) By accident.
(d) By suicide.

9. What two people does Newman find talking with Lord Deepmere the night of his engagement party?
(a) Urbain and Noemie.
(b) Claire and Madame de Bellegarde.
(c) Mrs. Tristam and Claire.
(d) Valentin and Urbain.

10. How long has Mrs. Bread known Claire's mother?
(a) 14 years.
(b) 4 years.
(c) 24 years.
(d) 40 years.

11. Who is Newman's least favorite person of the Bellegarde family?
(a) Urbain.
(b) Madame de Bellegarde.
(c) Valentin.
(d) Claire.

12. What does Newman promise Mrs. Bread if he marries Claire?
(a) He'll take care of Mrs. Bread, too.
(b) He'll prove her wrong.
(c) She can forget about him.
(d) She can bet she'll be taken out of the will.

13. Whom does Valentin tell Newman he wants to come visit him?
(a) Urbain.
(b) Claire.
(c) All of these answers are correct.
(d) His mother.

14. Who is Mrs. Bread?
(a) An old servant of the Bellegarde family.
(b) Newman's kindly upstairs neighbor.
(c) Mrs. Tristam's childhood friend.
(d) Newman's nanny.

15. Whom does Newman first tell that he knows of the family secret?
(a) Nioche.
(b) Mrs. Tristam.
(c) Noemie.
(d) Urbain.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once Newman and Claire are engaged, what warning does Mrs. Bread give Newman?

2. What is known about the man Noemie has been seen with?

3. What advice does Newman give Lord Deepmere on the night of his engagement party?

4. Who reassures Newman that he is acting appropriately at his engagement party?

5. With whom does Newman go to the opera?

(see the answer keys)

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