The American Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The American Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Newman think Noemie has come to be so wise in the ways of the world?
(a) By being born with a gift for reading people.
(b) By having a hard life.
(c) By watching people in the museum.
(d) By spending so much time in the orphanage.

2. What is Babcock's job?
(a) He is a businessman.
(b) He is a tennis player.
(c) He is a Unitarian minister.
(d) He is an artist.

3. What topic comes up during Newman's first visit to see Claire?
(a) Newman's business ventures.
(b) How much everyone hates the queen.
(c) A plague that is taking over the city.
(d) Newman's home in San Francisco.

4. What does Claire threaten to do if Newman brings up the topic of marriage again?
(a) Kick him.
(b) Call for her bodyguards.
(c) Make him leave.
(d) Tell her mother how inappropriate he is being.

5. Who coordinates delivery of Noemie's first painting to Newman?
(a) A museum curator.
(b) Her publicity person.
(c) Her father.
(d) The museum librarian.

6. What is the only thing that Claire refuses to do to keep peace in her family?
(a) Give lavish parties.
(b) Be submissive.
(c) Be snobbish.
(d) Marry again.

7. Why did Valentin go to Rome when he was younger?
(a) To get away from his family.
(b) To join the church.
(c) To be an apprentice to a famous artist there.
(d) To fight for the Pope.

8. What hotel is Newman staying in when he meets Tristam?
(a) The Grand Hotel.
(b) Just a no-name place.
(c) The Hyatt.
(d) The Ritz.

9. What are Valentin, Claire, and Newman sitting in front of the first time Newman pays Claire a visit?
(a) A very large mirror.
(b) A nice fireplace.
(c) A freaky statue of a dog.
(d) A beautiful window overlooking a lake.

10. How does Newman come to view Tristam after a while?
(a) As someone in need of medical help for his drinking.
(b) As one of the kindest people he knows.
(c) As a bit of a snob.
(d) As his long-lost brother.

11. Why does Valentin claim to be horrified at the idea of Newman wanting to marry Claire?
(a) He thinks Claire is too wicked for Newman.
(b) Newman doesn't have a title.
(c) He knows Newman has dark secrets.
(d) He views Claire as his little sister.

12. What does Nioche ask Newman to respect in their quest to see Noemie married?
(a) His wife's wishes about her future husband's family.
(b) His daughter's innocence.
(c) His daughter's own preferences and desires.
(d) His wishes about her future husband's profession.

13. What is Claire de Bellegarde's history of marriage?
(a) She has been engaged three times but never married.
(b) She has never been engaged or married.
(c) She is still married, but a divorce is inevitable.
(d) She is a widow.

14. What is Newman's first impression of Claire's mother?
(a) She is much nicer than everyone says.
(b) She has some disease of some kind.
(c) She is clearly suffering from mental illness.
(d) She is very concerned with being proper.

15. Who does Valentin confess asked him to come visit Newman in his home?
(a) A police detective.
(b) Mrs. Tristam.
(c) His sister.
(d) His mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Claire claim she is agreeing to see Newman in Chapter IX?

2. While visiting Newman, what does Valentin confess to Newman that he is considering doing?

3. Why does Nioche seek out Newman when he returns to Paris?

4. How long does Newman wait to pay a visit to Claire after he has spoken to Valentin about his intentions with her?

5. How does Newman feel about the idea that he isn't good enough to marry Claire?

(see the answer keys)

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