The America Play, and Other Works Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The America Play, and Other Works Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What refers to a hypersensitivity to a substance that causes the body to react to any contact with that substance?
(a) Hysteria.
(b) Allergy.
(c) Phobia.
(d) Rash.

2. Where was Suzan-Lori Parks born?
(a) Springfield, Illinois.
(b) Fort Knox, Kentucky.
(c) Nashville, Tennessee.
(d) St. Louis, Missouri.

3. Who hums in the background in scene "C" of "Open House"?
(a) Anglor.
(b) Charles.
(c) Charles and Blanca.
(d) Blanca and Anglor.

4. What kind of flowers do Lucius and Mare discuss having gotten in scene "A" of "Betting on the Dust Commander"?
(a) Vinyl.
(b) Plastic.
(c) Metal.
(d) Wooden.

5. Who does Lucius describe having criticized him for wearing the same clothes every day in scene "B" of "Betting on the Dust Commander"?
(a) A woman at church.
(b) A woman at the gym.
(c) A woman at the track.
(d) Their next-door neighbor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Mr. Sergeant Smith in scene "A" of "Greeks (or the Slugs)"?

2. Aretha is told she has what in scene "C" of "Open House"?

3. What term refers to a vacation or leave of absence granted to an enlisted person?

4. In scene "B" of "Betting on the Dust Commander," Mare suggests that she and Lucius have children, as they have neither what?

5. In scene "B" of "Open House," Aretha speaks of God looking down on whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. What image does Mr. Sergeant Smith project in scene "A" of "Greeks (or the Slugs)"?

2. In "An Equation for Black People Onstage," what does Parks urge the reader to reconsider?

3. What objectives do Mrs. Smith and Buffy reveal in scene "B" of "Greeks (or the Slugs)"?

4. Who are the characters and what do they reveal in the play "Third Kingdom"?

5. What is the relationship like between the younger and older Smiths in "Greeks (or the Slugs)"? How does this relate to other plays in the collection?

6. What opening statement defines the essay "An Equation for Black People Onstage"? What does Parks' mean with the statement?

7. For what subjects and themes is Suzan-Lori Parks well-known?

8. What proposition does Lucius present in scene "B" of "Betting on the Dust Commander"? What did a woman at church criticize him for?

9. What apparatus does the Naturalist describe in scene "B" of "Snails"?

10. What is the central premise of the essay "Possession"? What play was inspired by a dream?

(see the answer keys)

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