The Amber Spyglass Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Amber Spyglass Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Lord Roke hide when they first land/
(a) Mrs. Coulter's hat
(b) Mrs. Coulter's daemon's coat
(c) Mrs. Coulter's coat
(d) Mrs. Coulter's hair

2. How do the daemons know that what Serafina told them is true?
(a) They have seen the proof
(b) The harpies told them
(c) They learned it in the land of the dead
(d) An angel told them

3. What does Mrs. Coulter use to check on Lyra?
(a) Alethiometer
(b) Chi sticks
(c) Loadstone Resonator
(d) Gallivespian spy network

4. What does Father Gomez see when a bird hisses at him?
(a) It has teeth
(b) It sounds human like
(c) It has live fish in it's bill
(d) It eminates a foul sticky discharge

5. What does Xaphania say it was that allowed Lyra to read the compass?
(a) Grace
(b) Innocence
(c) Lack of Dust
(d) Faith

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Will and Lyra find when they open the window to Lord Asriel's world?

2. What is the waterfall of Saint-Jean-Les-Eaux used for?

3. What does Mary see when the Mulefa from the neighboring village come to get her?

4. Who comes and talks with Will and Lyra's daemons?

5. What does Mrs. Coulter say she wants Asriel to know before he dies?

(see the answer keys)

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