The Amber Spyglass Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Amber Spyglass Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes and talks with Will and Lyra's daemons?
(a) Serafina Pekkala
(b) Mary
(c) Iorek
(d) Lee Scorseby

2. What is Brother Louis sent to Mrs. Coulter's room to get while she is sleeping?
(a) An extra pillow
(b) A scarf that had belonged to Lyra
(c) Her locket
(d) A bracelet

3. What sensation do both Will and Lyra feel that lets them know that their daemons are in danger?
(a) Nausea
(b) Shaking
(c) Great Pain
(d) Heart Ache

4. What does John Parry say they should do before they disappear?
(a) Save Lyra
(b) Find the Authority and kill him
(c) Destroy the Church
(d) Help Lord Asriel

5. What does Mary say is an important animal in the Mulefa's world and is looked after?
(a) Dogs
(b) Birds
(c) Snake
(d) Rats

6. What does Mary say she believes the roads were made from?
(a) People that came before the Mulefa
(b) Humans from other worlds
(c) The birds
(d) Lava flows

7. What does Will say will probably happen when he goes home?
(a) He will have to hide from the men
(b) He will go to an institution
(c) He will have to move
(d) His mother will be well again

8. What does Will think of before he cuts with the knife that causes it to get stuck between the two worlds momentarily?
(a) His father reuniting with his mother
(b) The hope that his mother is safe
(c) How much he wants to sleep
(d) His father returning home

9. What do the daemons tell Will and Lyra is the reason that the Dust has been leaving the worlds?
(a) The windows left open by the knife
(b) The lack of love in humanity
(c) The use of items like the alethiometer
(d) The war being waged by the Church

10. Why does Mary not call out to Will and Lyra?
(a) Fear that they will come out to the man
(b) She has lost her voice
(c) The man might shoot her
(d) The wind is blowing to strong

11. What had let know Mary that Will and Lyra were coming?
(a) A dream
(b) A ghost
(c) A witch
(d) An angel

12. What does Mrs. Coulter see the angels carrying?
(a) The arc of the covenant
(b) A magic sword
(c) A detailed arrangements of battle plans
(d) An extremely old angel

13. What does MacPhail intend to do since Mrs. Coulter is no longer a captive to be sacrificed for the necessary energy to detonate the bomb aimed at killing Lyra?
(a) Sacrifice one of his men
(b) Wait until Mrs. Coulter is found
(c) Sacrifice himself
(d) Find a child to use the machine on

14. What happens when Will and Lyra help the creature out of the litter the ghasts had been attacking?
(a) He was eaten by a Specter
(b) He disentigrated
(c) He attacked Lyra
(d) He was killed by a witch

15. What has happened to Roke?
(a) His leg is broken
(b) His arm is broken
(c) He has been crushed
(d) He was entranced by a witch's spell

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mrs. Coulter describe the key that unlocks her cuffs to Roke?

2. What happens when the bomb suddenly goes off?

3. What does Metatron intend to do to get Lyra and Will to side with him?

4. What is the permanent shape that Pantalaimon takes?

5. Why is the weather seeming to go crazy?

(see the answer keys)

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