The Amber Spyglass Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Amber Spyglass Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Serafina tell Mary that Mary's daemon is?
(a) A mountain goat
(b) A wild cat
(c) A lioness
(d) A bird

2. What does MacPhail intend to do since Mrs. Coulter is no longer a captive to be sacrificed for the necessary energy to detonate the bomb aimed at killing Lyra?
(a) Wait until Mrs. Coulter is found
(b) Find a child to use the machine on
(c) Sacrifice one of his men
(d) Sacrifice himself

3. What does Mary say is an important animal in the Mulefa's world and is looked after?
(a) Dogs
(b) Snake
(c) Rats
(d) Birds

4. What do Will and Lyra tell Mary that they are going out for?
(a) Look for their daemons
(b) To find where Mary entered the world
(c) To look for the man Mary had seen
(d) To have a picnic

5. What does Mary say she can do when Atal asks if there is anything Mary can do to help?
(a) Go to the land of the dead
(b) Pray
(c) Regain faith
(d) Tell stories

6. What does Mary say she believes the roads were made from?
(a) Humans from other worlds
(b) People that came before the Mulefa
(c) Lava flows
(d) The birds

7. What does Will and Lyra see over head while they are running through the battle field?
(a) The Authority
(b) The angels retreating
(c) The witches coming to fight with Asriel
(d) Lord Asriel on his flying machine

8. What happens when Will and Lyra help the creature out of the litter the ghasts had been attacking?
(a) He was killed by a witch
(b) He disentigrated
(c) He was eaten by a Specter
(d) He attacked Lyra

9. What makes Will and Lyra blush?
(a) The fact that they held each other's daemons
(b) The thought of them going home
(c) They think about Mary's story
(d) They saw each other naked swiming

10. What does Will think of before he cuts with the knife that causes it to get stuck between the two worlds momentarily?
(a) His father returning home
(b) How much he wants to sleep
(c) The hope that his mother is safe
(d) His father reuniting with his mother

11. What does Mary suggest they do to pass the time while Lyra and Will tell their story?
(a) Pick seed pods
(b) Tend the fields
(c) Cook
(d) Mend nets

12. What does Metatron intend to do to get Lyra and Will to side with him?
(a) Kidnap Will's mother
(b) Kidnap Lyra's mother
(c) Capture their daemons
(d) Offer them a world of their choice to live freely

13. Why does Serafina tell the daemons to take in their surroundings as they see them now?
(a) They must go and become part of Lyra and Will
(b) They will settle soon
(c) They must leave this world soon
(d) They must return to the world of the dead where they were left

14. What does Will say will probably happen when he goes home?
(a) His mother will be well again
(b) He will go to an institution
(c) He will have to move
(d) He will have to hide from the men

15. What does Lyra dream of?
(a) Lee
(b) Pantalaimon
(c) Iorek
(d) Her parents

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mrs. Coulter say that she didn't turn her daughter over to the Church?

2. What had let know Mary that Will and Lyra were coming?

3. What does Xaphania say it was that allowed Lyra to read the compass?

4. What is happening which makes Roke's task even more dangerous?

5. Who saves Lyra when she begins to fall?

(see the answer keys)

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