The Ambassadors Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ambassadors Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Strether find at Mrs. Pocock's salon in Book 8?
(a) Bilham.
(b) Madame de Vionnet.
(c) Miss Barrace.
(d) Waymarsh.

2. At what time does Madame de Vionnet ask Chad to visit her?
(a) At quarter to six.
(b) At eight o'clock.
(c) At half past nine.
(d) At half past twelve.

3. What does Strether ask Waymarsh in Book 9?
(a) Why Sarah married Jim.
(b) If he loves Sarah.
(c) Whether Sarah wants to stay in Paris.
(d) Whether Sarah is coming to kill him.

4. From whom does Strether receive a message at the beginning of Book 12?
(a) Mamie Pocock.
(b) Maria Gostrey.
(c) Sarah Pocock.
(d) Madame de Vionnet.

5. What does Strether tell Bilham concerning Mamie Pocock's opinion of Chad?
(a) She is in love with Waymarsh.
(b) She has never stopped loving Chad.
(c) She would have loved him more as she originally thought he was.
(d) She never loved Chad.

6. Where does Miss Gostrey tell Strether that she went in Book 12?
(a) Bordeaux.
(b) Beauvais.
(c) Mentone.
(d) Cannes.

7. What does Strether suspect Waymarsh of doing?
(a) Corresponding with Madame de Vionnet.
(b) Eating too much.
(c) Communicating with Mrs. Newsome.
(d) Having an affair with Miss Gostrey.

8. What does Mrs. Newsome write to Strether in Book 7?
(a) That she hopes he never comes home.
(b) That he needs to return to Woollett immediately.
(c) That she no longer loves him.
(d) That she is joining him in Paris.

9. What does Miss Gostrey say to Strether during their last meeting?
(a) "I'd do anything for you."
(b) "I love Chad."
(c) "I love you."
(d) "Go back to where you came from."

10. Whom does Strether encounter first at the beginning of Book 7?
(a) Madame de Vionnet.
(b) Chad.
(c) Miss Gostrey.
(d) Bilham.

11. What does Bilham tell Chad in Chapter 10?
(a) That Sarah thinks that her family's claims on Chad are justified.
(b) That he finds Sarah obnoxious.
(c) That Sarah is charming.
(d) That Chad and Sarah have been arguing.

12. What is the last thing that Strether says to Miss Gostrey?
(a) "Happy Birthday"
(b) "I will miss you!"
(c) "Good for you!"
(d) "Then there we are!"

13. Whom does Madame de Vionnet charm, according to Miss Barrace, in Book 10?
(a) Waymarsh.
(b) Mamie.
(c) Monsieur de Montbron.
(d) Jim.

14. What surprises Strether about the Pococks?
(a) They do not speak French.
(b) They do not seem to notice the changes in Chad.
(c) They drink too much wine.
(d) They like to go out to eat a lot.

15. How does Strether describe Maria Gostrey's dining room?
(a) Dutch-looking.
(b) Pristine.
(c) Cluttered.
(d) Filthy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Strether go in the beginning of Book 7?

2. Where does Sarah Pocock buy clothes?

3. What does Strether suggest that Chad wants in Book 12?

4. What does Strether think about Sarah at the advent of her arrival in Paris?

5. What does Strether tell Miss Gostrey about Chad in Book 7?

(see the answer keys)

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