The Alchemist Test | Final Test - Easy

Paulo Coelho
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Alchemist Test | Final Test - Easy

Paulo Coelho
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Santiago meet at the well in Part 4?
(a) Englishman.
(b) The camel driver.
(c) A beautiful girl.
(d) The Alchemist.

2. What did the Alchemist say to the Englishman when asked about teaching him how to turn lead into gold?
(a) You already know how to do it.
(b) Try doing it.
(c) You are not worthy.
(d) I will not teach you.

3. In Part 4, what kind of war does the camel driver tell Santiago is happening?
(a) A battle for the balance of power.
(b) A war of tribal improprieties.
(c) A short war.
(d) A war between good and evil.

4. What does Santiago do while the Englishman tries to observe the desert and learn its language?
(a) Learns Arabic.
(b) Learns to turn lead into gold.
(c) Reads the Englishman's books.
(d) Creates the Elixir of Life.

5. What do do the individuals who approach the Alchemist and Santiago in Part 6 do when the alchemist explains what the items in his bag do?
(a) Get scared.
(b) Run away.
(c) Attack.
(d) Laugh.

6. Which of the following is true about the oasis?
(a) The alchemist owns it.
(b) It is an illusion.
(c) It is a safe refuge from the war.
(d) The people of the oasis pick a specific side in the war.

7. What happens after the oasis is attacked?
(a) It is taken over by the invaders.
(b) It is destroyed by the invaders.
(c) They destroy the invaders.
(d) The invaders become a part of the tribe.

8. What does the powerful and intimidating stranger in Part 5 demand of Santiago?
(a) To race him on horseback.
(b) To defend the oasis.
(c) To leave with him.
(d) To know who read the hawk's flight omen.

9. What object(s) does the Englishman have that surprises Santiago?
(a) Books.
(b) Philosopher's stones.
(c) Gold.
(d) A revolver.

10. About what does Santiago learn as he reads the Englishman's books?
(a) Crystals.
(b) Language of the desert.
(c) Emeralds.
(d) Alchemy.

11. What does the Alchemist tell Santiago to trade in Part 5?
(a) Fatima.
(b) Gold pieces.
(c) His books.
(d) A camel.

12. What does the Alchemist say quests always end with?
(a) Major tests.
(b) Heart trials.
(c) Luck.
(d) Fulfillment of their destinies.

13. What does Santiago express to the alchemist at the beginning of Part 6?
(a) Joy and happiness.
(b) Love and excitement.
(c) Fear and doubt.
(d) Confidence and belief in his mission.

14. What happens to Santiago and the Alchemist when they are one day away from the pyramids?
(a) They meet some armed tribesman.
(b) They are captured as spies.
(c) They pass an encampment.
(d) They continue on their journey.

15. What does the Alchemist do to Santiago one they are in the chosen location the day after Santiago's trade in Part 5?
(a) Tests him.
(b) Helps him find riches.
(c) Loses him.
(d) Teaches him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who approaches the Alchemist and Santiago in Part 6?

2. In Part 6, what does Santiago always promise about his heart?

3. What does the Alchemist advise Santiago to listen to in order to immerse himself in the desert?

4. What does the Alchemist tell Santiago will severely test him?

5. What does Santiago notice the Englishman has gained as he begins to try to turn lead into gold?

(see the answer keys)

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