The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Agricola; and the Germania; Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do present historians know about British kings of the past?
(a) Ancient forts are always named after a king.
(b) From legends in storytelling.
(c) From native coins.
(d) From folklore songs.

2. Who were the first to be known as Germani?
(a) Cherusci
(b) Suebi.
(c) The Tungri.
(d) Chauci.

3. What was unique about a betrothed German couple?
(a) The man offered the dowry, not the woman.
(b) The woman offered the dowry, not the man.
(c) Mothers chose the bride and groom.
(d) They were encouraged to marry outside the clan.

4. What was one of the most shameful acts a German soldier could do?
(a) Cut his hair.
(b) Throw away his shield.
(c) Die before his first kill.
(d) Kill a woman or child.

5. Why did Agricola build forts to surround newly submitted British?
(a) It protected the British from their unconquered neighbors.
(b) It controlled imports and exports.
(c) It kept them from escaping.
(d) It built fear in them.

6. What held back efficiency in a German assembly of chiefs?
(a) Lack of punctuality.
(b) Lack of leadership.
(c) Stubborness.
(d) Drink.

7. Who got to voice their opinions in major affairs in German tribes?
(a) The women.
(b) Chiefs only.
(c) The generals.
(d) The whole community.

8. What unique characteristic was observed in the Germans' holy places?
(a) They were open only at night.
(b) The temples were open roofed.
(c) They only fit one family at a time.
(d) They were in the woods and groves.

9. Tacitus criticized the Germans' agriculture calendar because of what?
(a) They could not grow wheat.
(b) They only had two seasons.
(c) They did not consider autumn.
(d) They used the lunar calendar.

10. What was so unique about the German tribe Chauci?
(a) They were pacifists.
(b) They dwelled in peace as well as in war.
(c) They wore their hair long.
(d) They sung during battle.

11. A toga for a Roman youth was equivalent to what for a German youth?
(a) An axe and helmet.
(b) A horse and spear.
(c) A shield and spear.
(d) A chainmail.

12. The Chatti showed steady courage in warfare through what?
(a) Their steady chants.
(b) They kept an unwavering flag throughout battle.
(c) Deliberate movements rather than quick rushes.
(d) Their impressive unified steps into the beginning of a battle.

13. How could Agricola take advantage of the staff-captaincy post?
(a) He was able to travel to any country he preferred.
(b) He was able to leave more easily.
(c) He could stay in the back of the battle without question.
(d) He could order others around even if it was not relevant to the military.

14. Of the following, which was one way a German became a slave among his own men?
(a) Commited adultery.
(b) Gambled his freedom away.
(c) Surrendered his shield.
(d) Lacked a kill by the age of fifteen.

15. What event caused such a great financial loss to the state that Agricola had to rectify it?
(a) The people looted after a great fire.
(b) Inflation.
(c) Infestation of a corn beetle.
(d) Drought.

Short Answer Questions

1. How could a German chief show prestige and power?

2. Why would the Cotini be more ashamed than other tribes because they worked in the iron mines of Germany?

3. In addition to arms as gifts, what had the Romans influenced the Germans to accept as gifts?

4. Of all the German tribes, which held the greatest in number?

5. How did Tacitus distinguish some tribes as German and not Sarmations?

(see the answer keys)

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