The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the paradox in France's failure to develop its industries?
(a) The peasants had more autonomy as a result of land reforms, but they were not well positioned to capitalize on their land.
(b) The workers became more efficient, but the cost of living skyrocketed.
(c) The peasants gained more political power, but with so many voices, the government was paralyzed.
(d) The aristocracy lost the land, but retained the right to what the land produced.

2. What did the new view hold that was spreading through Europe?
(a) The value of tradition in ritual and mystery.
(b) The improvability of the system by engineers and scientists.
(c) The spiritual unification of humanity in a global community.
(d) The progress of society through reason and philosophical enlightenment.

3. What was increasing at the same time that the railroads were expanding in the 1830s?
(a) Monarchy.
(b) Religion.
(c) Migration.
(d) Superstition.

4. Which religions gained adherents after the French Revolution?
(a) Protestantism and folk religions.
(b) Hinduism and Islam.
(c) Islam and Protestantism.
(d) Paganism and Protestantism.

5. What landmark event does Hobsbawm see as the peak of the middle class ideology?
(a) The publication of "Origin of Species".
(b) The publication of "Kubla Khan".
(c) The publication of Malthus' theories.
(d) The publication of Ricardo's 'Principles of Political Economy'.

Short Answer Questions

1. What contribution does Hobsbawm say the French Revolution made to the arts?

2. What stage was the political theory in when the organizers were making promises to the workers in the mid-1800s?

3. Which form of rebellion did the working poor NOT engage in?

4. What was NOT a source to which Hobsbawm attributes the development of the arts during the industrialization of Europe?

5. Why did places that had not been conquered by France reform their land use, in Hobsbawm's opinion?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the working poor act out politically, when they did act out, in Hobsbawm's account?

2. What happened in France while the rest of Europe was industrializing?

3. What works marked the beginning and the peak, respectively, of middle class ideology, in Hobsbawm's account?

4. How does Hobsbawm describe France's effect on land reform?

5. How does Hobsbawm describe the working class' living conditions?

6. How does Hobsbawm say religion was changing after the French Revolution?

7. How did those in power react to the spread of middle class ideology, in Hobsbawm's account?

8. Why, in Hobsbawm's account, was Britain the only industrialized nation in 1848?

9. Why does Hobsbawm describe the changing use of the landscape "the most catastrophic phenomenon" of the period?

10. Which artist does Hobsbawm cite as examples of the high standards reached in the arts in the mid-1800s?

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