The Age of Bede Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Bede Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bede record to be Benedict's orders regarding the books he had brought back from his several trips to Rome?

2. How long did Eosterwine serve as abbot over Wearmouth, according to Bede?

3. To whom was the letter addressed?

4. Who confirmed the choice of Ceolfrith's replacement, according to Bede?

5. Why did Brendan chastise his fellow travelers for putting their flasks into streams running from the island to quench their thirst, according to the anonymous writer?

Short Essay Questions

1. How far does the anonymous writer claim Ceolfrith got on his last pilgrimage to Rome?

2. What challenge does the anonymous writer report came to Ceolfrith and Benedict after the plague claimed the lives of many monks and Abbot Eosterwine while they were on a pilgrimage to Rome?

3. How did the abbot at Wearmouth die while Benedict was on a pilgrimage to Rome according to Bede?

4. Why did Bede claim that Benedict passed on the land that King Oswiu awarded him as a thane of Oswiu's kingdom?

5. When an island sailed away from Brendan's party, how did God explain the event to Brendan, according to the anonymous writer?

6. Who provided the land for which a church and monastery could be built by Ceolfrith and Benedict according to the anonymous writer?

7. Who does Bede claim endorsed the choice of the monks of Jarrow and Wearmouth?

8. What did the bird tell Brendan was their punishment from God for their sin, according to the anonymous writer?

9. Why does the anonymous writer claim Ceolfrith accompanied Benedict on a trip to Rome?

10. How did a hermit named Paul claim he received his food while he was on a journey to his final resting place, according to the anonymous writer?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Bede makes an account of miracles throughout "The Life of Cuthbert." Choose three of the miracles from Bede's record and compare them to similar miracles from the Bible. Based upon your study make an assessment of whether or not the miracles occurred as Bede reported or if Bede was creating a story to attract pagans to convert to Christianity. Use text from "The Life of Cuthbert" to support your view.

Essay Topic 2

"The Voyage of St. Brendan" is a book of allegory and fantasy. Choose two characters or episodes from the book that can have allegorical significance with regard to Christian doctrine.

Essay Topic 3

Ceolfrith, Eosterwin, Sigfrith, and Hwaetbehrt all made different contributions to the Abbeys at Wearmouth and Jarrow. Choose two of the abbots and detail a contribution each made to the abbey and how the separate contributions worked together to strengthen the mission of the abbeys.

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