The Age of Bede Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Bede Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What institution does Farmer suggest was responsible for the growth of monasteries in Ireland?
(a) The family.
(b) The Clergy.
(c) The Nobility.
(d) The government.

2. What does Farmer claim draws readers across the ages to the lives profiled in "The Age of Bede"?
(a) The accurate history of various leaders in the region.
(b) The colorful detail with which the ancient times are reported.
(c) The ideals and the scale of values of "The Age of Bede's" great men.
(d) The mystical accounting of miracles.

3. Of what does Stephanus claim Wilfrid accused English bishops prior to his journey to Gaul?
(a) Being similar in ideology to Celts.
(b) Being too strict with moral limits.
(c) Being too stiff in worship services.
(d) Being corrupt with indulgences.

4. Who does Stephanus claim influenced Ecgfrith to drive Wilfrid from his see?
(a) Bishop Colman.
(b) Bishop Winfrid.
(c) King Dagobert.
(d) Ecgfrith's queen, Iurminbrugh.

5. Who does Bede report gave Cuthbert a cure for a tumor on his knee?
(a) The village doctor.
(b) Three strangers who were travelling through his town.
(c) An angel carrying a gold trumpet.
(d) An angel dressed in white riding a horse.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Bede claim to be Cuthbert's preoccupation when he was still eight years old?

2. To what book does Bede refer for support of other angels who rode on horseback?

3. What were Brendan's most important monasteries, according to Farmer?

4. How does Bede claim Christian converts profaned their faith in Chapter 9?

5. What kind of battles does Farmer report the church leaders in "The Age of Bede" fought?

Short Essay Questions

1. To whom was Stephanus being obedient with his record of "The Life of Wilfred"?

2. Who does Bede report presided over a great synod that selected Cuthbert as Bishop of Lindisfarne?

3. What are the five texts that make up the "Age of Bede"?

4. Who does Farmer identify as the two subjects from "The Age of Bede" who were from Northumbria?

5. What statement does Stephanus write to defend the facts he reports in "The Life of Wilfred"?

6. Why did Bede claim that he wrote "The Life of Cuthbert"?

7. Why does Farmer consider the lives of the men profiled in "The Age of Bede" important to the Christian history of their region?

8. What does Bede report a monk witnessed when he followed Cuthbert to spy on an evening prayer vigil?

9. How does Stephanus report King Theodoric of the Franks rejected a letter requesting Wilfred be returned dead or alive to his see to face trial?

10. Why does Farmer consider "The Voyage of St. Brendan" an important text in "The Age of Bede"?

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