The Age of Bede Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Bede Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What illness does Bede report came to Benedict shortly after Sigfrith became abbot of Wearmouth?
(a) Leprosy.
(b) He was taken by consumption.
(c) The plague.
(d) He suffered creeping paralysis.

2. What skill was brought from France to Britain as a result of the construction of the monastery in Northumbria, according to Bede?
(a) Glassmaking.
(b) Stone cutting.
(c) Block and tackle for the movement of large stones.
(d) Metalworking.

3. During their journey, what did they discover surrounded Judas Iscariot?
(a) Flames of torment.
(b) A scroll of condemnation.
(c) A great number of demons.
(d) Cold isolation.

4. What does Bede record to be Benedict's orders regarding the books he had brought back from his several trips to Rome?
(a) That they be offered to the Bishop so he could consider the best use of collection.
(b) That copied and spread throughout the monasteries of England.
(c) That they be kept as a single collection and not broken up piecemeal.
(d) That they be returned to Rome and the collection from which they were borrowed.

5. What does the anonymous writer claim came into view after the ship ran out of food?
(a) A whale.
(b) A deserted island.
(c) A high rocky island.
(d) A lush, forested island.

6. What was Benedict's council to those who visited him while he suffered his illness, according to Bede?
(a) That they study scripture regularly.
(b) That the ordinances he passed to them were not of his creation.
(c) That they guard the monasteries at Wearmouth and Jarrow.
(d) That they devote themselves to fasting and prayer.

7. Why does the anonymous author claim that King Egfrith donated the resources for building another church and monastery?
(a) To set an example of the support his subjects should give to Christianity.
(b) To show appreciation to Ceolfrith for healing his wife.
(c) For the redemption of his soul.
(d) To bring the blessings of God on his reign.

8. Whose death was Ceolfrith compared in the letter from Rome?
(a) Noah who died after he had delivered his family through the flood.
(b) Enoch who did not die, but walked with God.
(c) St. John who died after he had delivered the Revelation.
(d) Moses and Aaron who died before they could enter the Promised Land.

9. From whom did Bede claim Benedict bought the unique collection during his fifth trip to Rome?
(a) From King Aldfrid.
(b) King Ecgfrith.
(c) Pope Agatho.
(d) King Egfrid.

10. How were Benedict and Sigfrith able to meet with each other shortly before they died from their illnesses, according to Bede?
(a) They were kept in the same room in the hospital.
(b) They were moved to the basement of Wearmouth and spent their remaining days together.
(c) Sigfrith was carried to Benedict's room on a stretcher.
(d) They were placed in wheel chairs and wheeled to meet with each other daily.

11. What was Brendan's warning as they left the island?
(a) "Take care, brethren, not to take anything with you from this island."
(b) "Do not let your desire for the physical overcome your need for the Holy."
(c) "Be on your guard, brethren, lest Satan lead you into temptation."
(d) "Keep watch for rocks that will destroy our ship."

12. What monastery construction on the north bank of Wear was funded by Benedict, according to Bede?
(a) Northumbria.
(b) St. Peter's Monastery.
(c) Melrose.
(d) Ripon.

13. How did a dignified old man communicate to Brendan's party while observing a vow of silence, according to the anonymous author?
(a) Through birds who knew his thoughts.
(b) Through sending this thoughts directly to Brendan's mind.
(c) Through hand gestures.
(d) Through angels who kept a close vigil with him.

14. Who does the anonymous author credit with providing master builders for the monastery that Ceolfrith helped to build?
(a) Abbot Botulf.
(b) Tunbert.
(c) Bishop Wilford.
(d) Abbot Torthelm.

15. How long did Eosterwine serve as abbot over Wearmouth, according to Bede?
(a) 17 years until his death.
(b) 12 years until he became abbot over Jarrow.
(c) Seven years until the pope beckoned him to Rome.
(d) Four years until his death.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does the anonymous author record Brendan's traveling party landed on the island?

2. Where does the anonymous author report Ceolfrith was buried?

3. Why did Benedict name Ceolfrith to be abbot over the two monasteries he helped to build, according to the anonymous author?

4. After the death of Benedict, how many years does the anonymous author credit Ceolfrith with presiding over both monasteries simultaneously?

5. How was the light for the island provided in the story the anonymous writer recorded from Brendan?

(see the answer keys)

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