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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Introduction.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the works in "The Age of Bede" does Farmer claim was popular during the Middle Ages?
(a) "Voyage of St. Brendan."
(b) " The Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow."
(c) "The Life of Wilfrid."
(d) "The Life of Cuthbert."
2. Who does Farmer credit with writing the earliest "Life of Cuthbert"?
(a) Eddius Stephanus.
(b) An anonymous monk from Lindisfarne.
(c) Bede.
(d) Ceolfrith.
3. According to Farmer, each of the saints profiled in "The Age of Bede" were pioneers of what important church institutions?
(a) The presbytery and the Holy Roman Empire.
(b) Monasticism and the primacy of the spiritual.
(c) Indulgences, monasticism, and chanting.
(d) The Sacraments, baptism, and confession.
4. Farmer asserts that the "Navigatio" is a fascinating mixture of what?
(a) History, fact, and economic theory.
(b) Fantasy, doctrine, and mystery.
(c) Fact, fantasy, and literary borrowing.
(d) Intrigue, sound doctrine, and drama.
5. What kind of battles does Farmer report the church leaders in "The Age of Bede" fought?
(a) Political battles against corrupt kings.
(b) Physical battles against pagans seeking to dismantle Christian influences.
(c) Spiritual battles against invisible diabolical enemies.
(d) Economic battles against land owners who sought land on which churches were built.
Short Answer Questions
1. For what two countries does Farmer claim "The Age of Bede" to be an important source of early Christian Church history?
2. Which Irish apostle, according to Farmer, became famous for the founding of the Bobbio and Saint-Gall monasteries.
3. Who does Farmer report to be the earliest monk of the British Isles?
4. The saints who are detailed in "The Age of Bede" lived in what two centuries according to Farmer?
5. What principal apostle of Ireland does Farmer claim encouraged monasticism for men and women?
This section contains 331 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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