The Afghanistan Papers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Craig Whitlock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Afghanistan Papers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Craig Whitlock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 2006, how much worse did Staff Sgt. John Bickford believe the fighting in Afghanistan was from the first time he was in Afghanistan three years before?
(a) 5 times.
(b) 15 times.
(c) 20 times.
(d) 10 times.

2. When was Robert Gates summoned to meet with Bush in Chapter 9?
(a) November 5, 2006.
(b) November 8, 2006.
(c) November 30, 2006.
(d) November 19, 2006.

3. How many troops did the Soviets put in Afghanistan?
(a) 250,000.
(b) 350,000.
(c) 275,000.
(d) 300,000.

4. When did the U.S. begin bombing Afghanistan?
(a) October 13, 2001.
(b) October 7, 2001.
(c) October 2, 2001.
(d) October 27, 2001.

5. How long at then-Capt. Gregory Trahan been at Firebase Shkiin when there was a report of a dozen heavily armed men dressed in black who crossed the border from Pakistan to Afghanistan?
(a) 12 weeks.
(b) 8 week.
(c) 10 weeks.
(d) 6 weeks.

Short Answer Questions

1. In 2006, how long did Retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey believe it would take the Afghan security forces to be able to operate without U.S. help?

2. How many people were killed in New York city, northern Virginia, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania in the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

3. How long after the invasion of Iraq did Bush take a Navy warplane to an aircraft carrier?

4. Where did Thomas Hutson, a Dari speaker who served as a political officer, suggest that Dostum go for medical treatment?

5. During the early part of the war, where did soldiers have to fly their dirty laundry?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Roger Pardo-Maurer describe Kandahar?

2. What were Rumsfeld's snowflakes?

3. Why was Afghanistan in need of nation-building in 2001?

4. What was Operation River Dance?

5. What did ISI leader Lt. Gen. Ashfaq Kayani say when Ryan Crocker asked him to crack down against Taliban leaders believed to be seeking refuge in Pakistan?

6. What was Bagram like when the war started and how did it change?

7. What transportation does Bush take when he gives an adddress on May 1, 2003 and where does he give his address?

8. What was one reason why the Afghan war dragged on so?

9. How was Afghanistan different from when Ronald Neumann, the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, visited there in 1967 and then returned in 2006?

10. What struggles did Lt. Gen. David Barno have when he was sent to Afghanistan 2003?

(see the answer keys)

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