The Adventures of Ulysses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bernard Evslin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Ulysses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bernard Evslin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who offers himself as a sacrifice to appease the Gods in Section 2?
(a) Elpenor.
(b) Eurylochus.
(c) Ulysses.
(d) Perimedes.

2. Which god does Ulysses meet as he travels to the castle?
(a) Hestia.
(b) Athene.
(c) Hermes.
(d) Nike.

3. What does the god Ulysses meets give him in order to resist Circe's spell?
(a) A powder.
(b) A potion.
(c) An amulet.
(d) A flower.

4. What kind of flower does Morpheus convince Persephone to make?
(a) A moby flower.
(b) An aconite flower.
(c) A hellebore flower.
(d) A lotus flower.

5. What does Ulysses order his men to do when he discovers the giant?
(a) Kill the giant.
(b) Build a large bonfire.
(c) Return to the ships.
(d) Hide within the foliage.

6. Who is named the judge of Eris's contest amongst the Goddesses?
(a) Heracles.
(b) Paris.
(c) Midas.
(d) Zeus.

7. What place is described as the land where Morpheus plays?
(a) Libya.
(b) Olympus.
(c) Persia.
(d) Thrinacia.

8. What do Ulysses' men want to do when they spot a small village on an island in Section 2?
(a) Settle at the village.
(b) Ask the villagers to feed them.
(c) Attack the village.
(d) Steal the village's livestock.

9. What happens to the men Ulysses sends to scout out the island in Section 6?
(a) They do not return.
(b) They get lost for many hours.
(c) They are taken prisoner.
(d) They find food.

10. How many men are in each of Ulysses' ships?
(a) Fifty.
(b) One hundred.
(c) Eighty.
(d) Thirty.

11. How is the foliage of the tree Ulysses climbs described?
(a) As bright.
(b) As hairy.
(c) As lush.
(d) As soft.

12. Who are the people who live in the village in Section 2?
(a) The Cyclopses.
(b) The Circonians.
(c) The Harmonians.
(d) The Tartarans.

13. In Section 2, who convinces Ulysses that the village is a gift from God?
(a) Perimedas.
(b) Eurylochus.
(c) Telemachus.
(d) Elpenor.

14. What does Persephone provide for Morpheus to give humans?
(a) Illness.
(b) Sleepiness.
(c) Inspiration.
(d) Dreams.

15. What does Ulysses do to stop the attacking villagers from following his men?
(a) Ulysses causes a rockslide.
(b) Ulysses sets dried grass on fire.
(c) Ulysses leads the villagers in another direction.
(d) Ulysses shoots their horses.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who exiled the Cyclops monsters from Olympus to live on the island?

2. What is referred to as "a little death" by Hypnos?

3. What does Ulysses use to attack the giants?

4. What happens when Ulysses' ship is sucked in at the gate of the wall?

5. Who is Circe?

(see the answer keys)

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