The Adventures of China Iron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gabriela Cabezon Camara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of China Iron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Gabriela Cabezon Camara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," whom does Liz ask to see?
(a) The gauchos who committed the crime against Miss Daisy.
(b) The children born of incest.
(c) Miss Daisy.
(d) Miss Daisy's children.

2. In "It Was the Brightness of the Light," who does China Iron reveal will later kill El Negro?
(a) The estancia foreman.
(b) China Iron.
(c) La Negra.
(d) Martín.

3. In "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," what crime is Miss Daisy the victim of?
(a) Her child is killed in front of her.
(b) Kidnap and torture.
(c) A gang rape and brutal physical attack.
(d) Threats of violence that culminate in a public beating.

4. In "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," what does the Colonel say about the mixed ancestry of the gauchos?
(a) They represent both the past and the future of Argentina.
(b) They are a new kind of man.
(c) They did not inherit the best qualities of either race.
(d) Their loyalties are always divided.

5. In "Dressed to the Nines," what makes China Iron, Liz, and Rosario love one another even more?
(a) Staying up late drinking and making up stories.
(b) Having shared their histories with one another.
(c) The knowledge that the end of their journey will probably mean separating.
(d) Bones that remind them of their own mortality.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the "mate" referred to at the end of "Tank You Señora for Cure Me"?

2. At the end of "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," what causes China Iron to draw her knife?

3. In "Lost in Thought, into the Muck I Sank," what does Liz compare their journey to?

4. In "That's Also Something You Eat and Drink with Scones," what realization does China Iron have about the tea she is drinking?

5. In "We Come from Dust," what does China Iron realize that Liz is afraid of?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "British Science," what book does Liz read to China Iron, and what odd conclusion does it lead China Iron to?

2. In "Tangled Legs," what does the recitation of the poem imply about the Colonel's identity, and how is this implication confirmed?

3. In "I Was Burning My Bridges," who is Raúl, and what happens to him?

4. When Liz kisses China Iron, in "Lost in Thought, into the Muck I Sank," how does China Iron respond?

5. Explain the analogy that China Iron uses in "British Science," in which she compares Great Britain to a "voracious heart" (55).

6. In "By Dint of Force," what is Liz's theory about Great Britain's reaction to its geography?

7. In "Colors Become Detached from Their Objects," what does China Iron observe about Liz's whiteness?

8. In "Suspended in the Air," what is the rhetorical purpose of the extended discussion of vizcachas?

9. In "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," what is the punishment that Miss Daisy devises for the men who attacked her?

10. In "Tangled Legs," why does China Iron compare the ditch to a branding iron?

(see the answer keys)

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