The Adventures of China Iron Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Gabriela Cabezon Camara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of China Iron Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Gabriela Cabezon Camara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: "Part Three: Indian Territory": "Oh China, Love, Forgive Me Now," through "I Wish You Could See Us.".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who rescues Martín from the Colonel's estancia?
(a) Kauka.
(b) Cruz.
(c) An unnamed gaucho.
(d) Oscar.

2. In "Tangled Legs," what comparison does Liz make that shocks China Iron?
(a) She compares the fort to Paradise.
(b) She compares Hernández to God.
(c) She compares Rosario to a parasite.
(d) She compares China Iron to a dog.

3. When China Iron was a small child, where did she often hide?
(a) In the closet.
(b) In a trunk.
(c) In a tree.
(d) In the neighbor's hut.

4. In "Punch and Whisky," why does China Iron spend the day listening to the Colonel's drunken ramblings?
(a) She is trying to figure out how to get justice for her family.
(b) He physically prevents her from leaving him.
(c) She is interested in his ideas about the Argentine economy.
(d) Liz has told her to keep the Colonel occupied.

5. In "Tangled Legs," what does the Colonel reveal the purpose of the ditch to be?
(a) It is a burial ground for those killed fighting the Indians.
(b) It is intended more to keep the gauchos in than it is to keep people out.
(c) It is a way of breaking new gauchos to accept his authority and discipline.
(d) It is the linchpin of his defenses against Indian raids.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Punch and Whisky," why does Liz use lemons and oranges to make her punch?

2. In In "The Whip and the Rod," on page 116, when China Iron asks Liz why she is being so domineering, what does Liz reply?

3. At the end of "A Bunch of Short Dark Hapsburgs," what causes China Iron to draw her knife?

4. In "It Was the Brightness of the Light," what name does China Iron give her dog?

5. In "Oh China, Love, Forgive Me Now," what does Liz give China Iron?

(see the answer key)

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