The Adventures of Augie March Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Augie March Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following characters does MImi VIllars NOT have a romantic relationship with?

2. How does Augie perform in school in comparison to his brother Simon?

3. How much rent does Augie pay to the Owens every month for the room he shares with two other students?

4. How do the Magnuses receive Augie?

5. What is the name of the March family's caseworker at the local Charity?

Short Essay Questions

1. What job does Augie help Dingbat with which involves travel to Michigan?

2. How does Augie feel about attending school?

3. How do Simon and Augie compete when enrolled in college?

4. Why does Simon lose out on his engagement to Cissy Flexner?

5. Who is William Einhorn?

6. Where does Augie meet Esther Fenchel, and what is his reaction to her?

7. How does the March family feel about Grandma's demand to institutionalize Georgie?

8. Who was King Croesus?

9. Who is "Grandma"?

10. Why is Augie fired from his job at Deever's Department Store?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

This novel covers a great span of historical time, including the labor movements of the 1930's. First, describe the complaint laborers had in the 1930's. How was their situation fueled by the stock market crash of the 1920's? Describe at least three of the political parties that were formed as a result of the labor movement. What was each of their stances on the rights of workers in the 1930's? Discuss Augie's involvement with the labor movement. How did Augie's involvement affect his life personally during the 1930's? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.

Essay Topic 2

Throughout his life, Augie considered Jimmy to be one of his best friends. First, describe the relationship between Jimmy and Augie when they were both young boys. Why do you think these two boys bonded so quickly? What type of trouble did the pair get into together? What punishments did each of the boys' receive? Then, describe how Jimmy came back into Augie's life when they were adults. How did Jimmy save Augie from a potentially sticky criminal situation? How did Augie pay Jimmy back for his friendship? How do you think Augie and Jimmy embody the ideal of "best friends forever"? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.

Essay Topic 3

When Augie was a teenager, he was given the job of working as a butler for William Einhorn. First, describe William Einhorn and his disabilities. Then, describe the tasks that Augie was expected to complete while working for Einhorn. Did Augie do well or struggle in this position? How can you tell? Finally, describe how the professional relationship between Augie and Einhorn dissolved. How did their professional meltdown affect their personal relationship? Be sure to include examples from the text to strengthen your arguments.

(see the answer keys)

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