The Adoration of Jenna Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adoration of Jenna Fox Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Grasping," what word does Jenna look up?
(a) Endless.
(b) Forever.
(c) Eternity.
(d) Infinity.

2. What does Lily pass Mother to eat in "Backup"?
(a) Deviled eggs.
(b) Stuffed mushrooms.
(c) Crackers and spinach dip.
(d) Bruschetta.

3. In "The Beach," why do Lily, Claire, and Jenna go to the beach?
(a) Lily wants to.
(b) To hunt for seashells.
(c) To go wading.
(d) Claire wants to.

4. In "They Know," what does Ethan do to help Jenna calm down?
(a) Recite Thoreau.
(b) Hold her.
(c) Kiss her.
(d) Listen to her.

5. In "Control," what is Lily doing when Jenna goes into the kitchen?
(a) Pouring a cup of coffee.
(b) Finishing breakfast.
(c) Making pancakes.
(d) Reading a newspaper.

6. What brushes the windows of Ethan's truck as he drives down Allys's lane in "They Know"?
(a) Branches of bushes.
(b) Oleander.
(c) Crape myrtle.
(d) Branches of trees.

7. In "Sliding," when does Allys miss school?
(a) The next day.
(b) 3 days.
(c) 4 days.
(d) The next two days.

8. In "Backup," what month is it?
(a) February.
(b) May.
(c) April.
(d) March.

9. Where does Jenna remember shopping with Kara in "Red"?
(a) Charles Street.
(b) Downtown Crossing.
(c) Newbury Street.
(d) Copley Place.

10. When did Jenna move into Mr. Bender's house?
(a) 50 years ago.
(b) 60 years ago.
(c) 30 years ago.
(d) 40 years ago.

11. In "Details," where does Father build a fire?
(a) Living room.
(b) Family room.
(c) Kitchen.
(d) Fire pit.

12. What part of Jenna's system uses the nutrients she eats?
(a) Digestive.
(b) Brain.
(c) Neurological.
(d) Skin.

13. Who does Jenna realize were two sides of the same coin in "Two Hundred and Sixty Years Later"?
(a) Father and Lily.
(b) Herself and Mr. Bender.
(c) Mother and Lily.
(d) Herself and Ethan.

14. What type of trees are in the forest near Jenna's house?
(a) Maple.
(b) Aspen.
(c) Blue spruce.
(d) Eucalyptus.

15. What does Jenna hear at the end of "Listening"?
(a) Her parents whispering.
(b) Locke and Kara.
(c) Ethan throwing rocks at her window.
(d) Dane yelling in the garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. What curriculum did Father have uploaded to Jenna's brain?

2. Where did Lily stay when Jenna was being reconstructed?

3. In "Red," what does Jenna remember her favorite color was?

4. How many times has Jenna watched the video of a particular year of her life in "Trust"?

5. Before the FSEB began regulation science labs, how man species of engineered plants and transgenic animals were being introduced into the food chain yearly?

(see the answer keys)

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