The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Lysistrata, what are the men going to do with the first woman to exit the temple?
(a) Burn her at the stake.
(b) Tie her up.
(c) Banish her.
(d) Offer her as sacrifice for occupying the temple.

2. Wrong tells Pheidippides not to listen to Right because he will grow up and be what?
(a) A boring little baby.
(b) Liked by too many people.
(c) Unable to communicate.
(d) Smarter than everyone.

3. Now that Strepsiades tells Pheidippdes all of the fascinating things learned in the school, how does Pheidippdes feel about learning?
(a) Pheidippdes still thinks the school is foolish.
(b) Pheidippdes gets excited about the school also.
(c) Pheidippdes rethinks his original feelings about the school.
(d) Pheidippdes is anxious he isn't smart enough to learn.

4. The Men's leader must give up onions in order to do what?
(a) Enter the temple.
(b) Kiss Stratyllis.
(c) Fit in his robes.
(d) Win the war.

5. What object does Lysistrata use as a metaphor to show how they will solve Greece's problems?
(a) A tangled skein of wool.
(b) A field of flowers in spring.
(c) A skin of wine, not yet aged.
(d) A day-old loaf of bread.

Short Answer Questions

1. In The Clouds, what does the Second Creditor look like?

2. After The Chorus of Old Men get to the Acropolis, they blow on their coals. What happens?

3. Pheidippides uses his education from The Thinkery to rationalize what?

4. Lysistrata comes out from the Acropolis and meets Stratyllis, how does she act?

5. When the Choruses of Old Men and Old Women confront each other after the temporary defeat, the Old Men tell a tale of a man named what?

Short Essay Questions

1. The Chorus of Old Men also push logs up to the Acropolis. How do they handle the task and what does that symbolize?

2. What do The Chorus of Old Men's pots symbolize?

3. How has The Chorus of The Clouds changed throughout the play?

4. Who is Lampito? Describe how she is treated by the Athenian women.

5. Outline Right's argument in the formal debate.

6. Describe Cinesias.

7. How does The Clouds end?

8. How does Lysistrata rally the women?

9. How will The Chorus of The Clouds react if mistreated?

10. What do the pitchers carried by The Chorus of Old Women represent?

(see the answer keys)

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