The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Acharnians [and] the Clouds [and] Lysistrata Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Lysistrata, Part 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Socrates appear for the first time in The Clouds?
(a) From the audience, like a level-headed philosopher.
(b) Airborne, like a god in tradegy.
(c) Stage right, like an actor.
(d) From the trap door, like a sneak.

2. As The Chorus of Old Men slowly get their fires going, who runs to the scene?
(a) The Chorus of Old Women.
(b) Lysistrata.
(c) The Chorus of Young Women.
(d) Lampito.

3. What have the women done for the war effort, up to the play?
(a) Given their sons and daughters.
(b) Handled local government while the soldiers are gone.
(c) Supplied the armies with homemade meals.
(d) Repaired the torn uniforms of the soldiers.

4. Socrates and Strepsiades brainstorm ways that Strepsiades can what?
(a) Make interest back.
(b) Trick his son into learning rhetoric.
(c) Sleep in a bed full of bugs.
(d) Avoid paying interest.

5. The Chorus of Old Men primarily praise what, as they struggle to the Acropolis?
(a) The Gods.
(b) Athenian Warriors.
(c) Athenian Food.
(d) Athenian Women.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aristophanes describes all the students in The Clouds as what?

2. Dercetes comes to Dikaiopolis's home, begging for what?

3. What happens after Dikaiopolis finishes his defense?

4. In the beginning of The Acharnians, who arrives late to the assembly and speaks to the crowd first?

5. Who does Dikaiopolis enlist to help him before the trial?

(see the answer key)

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