The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What grade are Junior and Rowdy in as they jump into the lake in the drawing in Chapter 29: "Remembering"?
(a) Second grade.
(b) Third grade.
(c) Fifth grade.
(d) First grade.

2. Junior says in Chapter 23: "Wake" that "When it comes to death, [Indians] know that" what "are pretty much the same thing"?
(a) Laughter and tears.
(b) Tears and burial.
(c) Brutality and ignorance.
(d) Loss and Living.

3. Why does Mary say she is struggling to find a job in Chapter 19: "My Sister Sends Me a Letter"?
(a) She is from a different tribe.
(b) She is too old.
(c) She has no experience.
(d) She has no education.

4. How many games did Wellpinit win after their loss to Reardan?
(a) 8.
(b) 2.
(c) 6.
(d) 3.

5. What does Mary tell Junior to tell everyone when she closes her letter in Chapter 19: "My Sister Sends Me a Letter"?
(a) That she is having a baby.
(b) That she's glad she left.
(c) That she hates them all.
(d) That she loves and misses them.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was Eugene killed, according to Junior in Chapter 24: "Valentine Heart"?

2. What is the record of the Wellpinit Redskins when they face Reardan again in Chapter 25: "In Like a Lion"?

3. What class is Junior called out of by the school counselor in Chapter 27: "Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses"?

4. Who is the "Russian dude" that Gordy gives Junior a book by in Chapter 27: "Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses"?

5. What is Gordy's response when Junior says "Some Indians think you become white if you try to make your life better, if you become successful," in Chapter 18: "Don't Trust Your Computer"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Junior go with his family in Chapter 29: "Remembering"? How does Junior describe the day?

2. How does Gordy respond when Junior asks for advice about love in Chapter 16: "Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love"?

3. What is an example of irony employed by the author in Chapter 19: "My Sister Sends Me a Letter"?

4. What exchange takes place between Junior and Rowdy in Chapter 26: "Rowdy and I Have a Serious Discussion about Basketball"?

5. How does Junior feel after the winning game in Chapter 25: "In Like a Lion"?

6. Where is Junior in the memory that he describes with Rowdy in Chapter 30: "Talking About Turtles"? What do they discuss?

7. What communication takes place between Junior and Rowdy in Chapter 16: "Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love"?

8. What story does Arnold Spirit, Sr. tell his son in encouraging him to try out for the basketball team in Chapter 20: "Reindeer Games"?

9. What exchange takes place between Junior and Rowdy in Chapter 18: "Don't Trust Your Computer"?

10. What causes the students to stand up and walk out of Junior's class in Chapter 24: "Valentine Heart"?

(see the answer keys)

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