The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Junior describe his father's cowboy boot as smelling like in Chapter 21: "And a Partridge in a Pear Tree"?
(a) Booze and fear and failure.
(b) Hard work and rugged living.
(c) The cool, damp forest.
(d) Smoke and tobacco.

2. In Junior's drawing from Chapter 19: "My Sister Sends Me a Letter," he compares his sister's new home to what?
(a) A castle.
(b) A tree house.
(c) A TV dinner tray.
(d) A beaver dam.

3. When does Junior's father disappear to get drunk during the holidays in Chapter 21: "And a Partridge in a Pear Tree"?
(a) On New Year's Eve.
(b) On Christmas Day.
(c) On New Year's Day.
(d) On Christmas Eve.

4. How does Junior contact Rowdy after the end of basketball season in Chapter 26: "Rowdy and I Have a Serious Discussion about Basketball"?
(a) He visits him.
(b) He texts him.
(c) He emails him.
(d) He calls him.

5. What Greek writer and philosopher does Gordy quote regarding grief in Chapter 24: "Valentine Heart"?
(a) Perseus.
(b) Aristotle.
(c) Socrates.
(d) Euripides.

6. Why does Junior say he is thankful for his father's Christmas gift in Chapter 21: "And a Partridge in a Pear Tree"?
(a) Because his father has no job.
(b) Because his father hates him.
(c) Because he could have spent the money drinking.
(d) Because his father could have spent the money on prostitutes.

7. What is Gordy's response when Junior says "Some Indians think you become white if you try to make your life better, if you become successful," in Chapter 18: "Don't Trust Your Computer"?
(a) If that were the case, what about the other minorities?
(b) If that were the case, wouldn't the Civil War have ended differently?
(c) If that were true, then wouldn't all white people be successful?
(d) I don't understand why anyone would think that way.

8. What does Junior blame for 90 percent of the Spokane Indian deaths in Chapter 27: "Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses"?
(a) Heart disease.
(b) Suicide.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) Lung disease.

9. Who is the "Russian dude" that Gordy gives Junior a book by in Chapter 27: "Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses"?
(a) Fyodor Abramov.
(b) Constantin Stanislavsky.
(c) Leo Tolstoy.
(d) Franz Kafka.

10. What does Rowdy say he's going to have in every room of his house when he becomes rich and famous in Chapter 30: "Talking About Turtles"?
(a) An air conditioner.
(b) A grand piano.
(c) A fireplace.
(d) A giant chandelier.

11. What month is it when Junior describes climbing the tree with Rowdy in Chapter 30: "Talking About Turtles"?
(a) June.
(b) October.
(c) September.
(d) July.

12. Why does Mary say she is struggling to find a job in Chapter 19: "My Sister Sends Me a Letter"?
(a) She has no education.
(b) She is too old.
(c) She has no experience.
(d) She is from a different tribe.

13. What team is Penelope playing against in the volleyball match in Chapter 16: "Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love"?
(a) The Humboldt Honeybees.
(b) The Wellpinit Redskins.
(c) The Davenport Lady Gorillas.
(d) The Portland Raiders.

14. What does Mary say she has begun to do in her spare time in Chapter 19: "My Sister Sends Me a Letter"?
(a) She's begun taking college classes.
(b) She's begun taking guitar lessons.
(c) She's begun writing her life story.
(d) She's begun studying acting.

15. How tall does Junior say the tree is that "sits beside the highway to West End, past Turtle Lake" in Chapter 30: "Talking About Turtles"?
(a) About 50 feet tall.
(b) Over 100 feet tall.
(c) Over 200 feet tall.
(d) About 60 feet tall.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many Mexican girls does Gordy say disappeared in the same area of Mexico as the white girl in the last three years, but that there was no news of them, in Chapter 16: "Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love"?

2. What musical instrument does Arnold Spirit, Sr. take with him when his family goes to spend the day at the cemetery in Chapter 29: "Remembering"?

3. How does Junior feel about his exchange with Rowdy in Chapter 26: "Rowdy and I Have a Serious Discussion about Basketball"?

4. What item does the rich white guy present to the mourners at the funeral, saying that he believes it belonged to Junior's grandmother in Chapter 23: "Wake"?

5. What symbols surround Junior's illustration of his report card in Chapter 28: "My Final Freshman Year Report Card"?

(see the answer keys)

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