The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Lesson Plans

Chapter 1: "The Black Eye of the Month Club"

1. What is the condition that Junior says he was born with in Chapter 1: "The Black Eye of the Month Club"?
(a) Water on the brain.
(b) Deafness.
(c) A heart defect.
(d) A club foot.

2. How old was Junior when he underwent surgery to address the medical condition he was born with?
(a) 2 years.
(b) 3 years.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 9 months.

3. How many teeth does Junior say he developed in Chapter 1: "The Black Eye of the Month Club"?
(a) 32.
(b) 38.
(c) 42.
(d) 36.

4. How old was Junior when he began wearing eyeglasses?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 5.

5. What medicine does Junior say he was prescribed to prevent seizures as a child in Chapter 1: "The Black Eye of the Month Club"?
(a) Lithium.
(b) Phenobarbital.
(c) Cannabis.
(d) Valium.

6. How old is Junior when the novel begins?
(a) 22.
(b) 16.
(c) 14.
(d) 36.

Chapter 2: "Why Chicken Means So Much to Me"

7. What is the one talent that Junior is proud of in the beginning of the novel?
(a) Writing poetry.
(b) Drawing cartoons.
(c) Designing buildings.
(d) Making music.

8. What is the name of the reservation where Junior's family lives?
(a) The Alturas Rancheria.
(b) The Karuk Indian Reservation.
(c) The Spokane Indian Reservation.
(d) The Acoma Pueblo and Off-Reservation Trust Land.

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