The 5th Wave Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Yancey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The 5th Wave Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Yancey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What conclusion does the narrator reach regarding the explosions in Part XII: “Because of Kistner”?
(a) Colonel Vosch is blowing up the base.
(b) Evan is blowing up the base.
(c) Cassie Sullivan is blowing up the base.
(d) Nugget has infiltrated the main computers.

2. Who does the narrator of Part X: “A Thousand Ways,” Chapter 78 say has shot him?
(a) Dumbo.
(b) Ringer.
(c) Nugget.
(d) Oompa.

3. Of humankind, the narrator says in Part XIII: “The Black Hole,” Chapter 87, “You’re beating plowshares into swords, Vosch. You are remaking us. We are the clay, and you are” whom?
(a) “Michelangelo.”
(b) “Picasso.”
(c) “Aristotle.”
(d) “Leonardo da Vinci.”

4. What does Zombie take from Kistner after knocking him out in Part X: “A Thousand Ways,” Chapter 78?
(a) His clothes.
(b) His microchip.
(c) His jewelry.
(d) His knife.

5. What does Cassie say is the first thing she does when she awakens after the mind-melding experience with Evan in Part IX: “A Flower to the Rain,” Chapter 72?
(a) She screams violently.
(b) She grabs her gun.
(c) She laughs hysterically.
(d) She bursts into sobs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Cassie says to Evan in Part IX: “A Flower to the Rain,” Chapter 68, “1st Wave: lights out. 2nd Wave: surf’s up. 3rd Wave: pestilence. 4th Wave:” what?

2. What are the silver metal tubes that Cassie finds and takes in the armory in Part XI: “The Infinite Sea”?

3. What does Sammy tell Cassie his name is now in Part XIII: “The Black Hole,” Chapter 83?

4. What landing does the narrator in Part XII: “Because of Kistner” say he/she hit when “the concussion of the blast slams into my back like a wrecking ball”?

5. Who is described as having “very shiny and very straight black hair, but also has the flawless complexion of an airbrushed model, the kind you see on the covers of fashion magazines smiling arrogantly at you in the checkout line” in Part XIII: “The Black Hole,” Chapter 91?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is Zombie traveling in the opening of Part XII: “Because of Kistner,” Chapter 81?

2. Who narrates Part X: “A Thousand Ways”? What is the setting that opens this section of the novel?

3. What does Cassie promise herself as she makes her way toward Sammy in Part XI: “The Infinite Sea”?

4. How does Evan respond when Cassie confronts him about what she found in the barn in Part VII: “The Heart to Kill”?

5. Where does Evan go every evening in Part VII: “The Heart to Kill”? Why?

6. How does Cassie progress in making her way into the compound in Part XI: “The Infinite Sea”?

7. What obstacles are faced by the narrator in the course of Part X: “A Thousand Ways”?

8. What choice is Cassie given in order to save Sammy in Part XIII: “The Black Hole”?

9. What does Cassie find in the barn at Evan’s farm in Part VII: “The Heart to Kill”? How does she react?

10. What discovery does Ringer and Zombie make on the battlefield in Part VIII: “The Spirit of Vengeance”?

(see the answer keys)

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