The 57 Bus Test | Final Test - Medium

Dashka Slater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 57 Bus Test | Final Test - Medium

Dashka Slater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which women come to all of Richard's court dates in Part IV?
(a) The women from Richard's mother's church.
(b) The women from the justice league.
(c) The women from the LGBTQ equality organization.
(d) Three women dressed as nuns who say Richard should not be tried as an adult.

2. Where is Richard booked in in Part III?
(a) Cooks County Prison.
(b) Oakland-Rickston Jail.
(c) Michaels County Prison.
(d) Alameda County Juvenile Hall.

3. How long after the fire is Sasha released from the hospital?
(a) 14 days.
(b) 23 days.
(c) 45 days.
(d) 69 days.

4. Who is the Alameda County D.A.?
(a) Frederick Warren.
(b) Marsha Mosby.
(c) Nancy O'Malley.
(d) Jennifer Alexander.

5. What was the word on the street about why Richard had set Sasha's skirt aflame?
(a) He had done it by mistake.
(b) Another kid had put him up to it.
(c) He had a grudge against gender-fluid people.
(d) He had not actually done it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do psychologists call times of intense emotions or stress?

2. Why is Richard afraid to smile at his mother in the courtroom?

3. What did many banners posted in Oakland High in support of Sasha say?

4. Which cousin of Richard's shows up at his second court appearance?

5. How much does a student-led fundraiser at Oakland High raise for Sasha's medical expenses?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Sasha feel going to their senior dance in Part IV?

2. How does Sasha feel about being hugged by Richard's family?

3. What do some of Sasha's friends do to show support for Sasha after the attack?

4. What do the police questioning Richard tell him about the evidence they have against him?

5. Who is one of the first people Richard wants to tell about what happened on the 57 bus and why?

6. Why does Andrew avoid visiting Sasha in the hospital?

7. Why is Slater's explanation for the fact that police put suspects in a video room for the first 24 hours of incarceration after being booked for a serious crime?

8. What distinction does Richard's lawyer draw between other hate crimes and the crime Richard committed?

9. Why does Sasha feel they were misrepresented in the media coverage of the attack?

10. Do you think it was fair of authorities to charge Richard with a hate crime?

(see the answer keys)

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