The 57 Bus Test | Final Test - Easy

Dashka Slater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 57 Bus Test | Final Test - Easy

Dashka Slater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Richard booked in in Part III?
(a) Oakland-Rickston Jail.
(b) Michaels County Prison.
(c) Alameda County Juvenile Hall.
(d) Cooks County Prison.

2. Which Bible store does Richard particularly like?
(a) Job.
(b) Jonah.
(c) Ruth.
(d) Paul.

3. Who helps the students participating in Kaprice's program with their healing process in Part IV?
(a) Amy Wilder.
(b) Jefferson Ringer.
(c) Malina Bing.
(d) Laurel Wilson.

4. What does a stranger drop off for Sasha on their first day in the hospital?
(a) A book.
(b) A craft project.
(c) A bouquet of silk flowers.
(d) A jigsaw puzzle.

5. What does Richard tell Sasha in one of his letters about routinely writing to them?
(a) He will write once per year.
(b) He will not write again.
(c) He will write once per month.
(d) He will write twice per week.

6. Why does Richard's lawyer delay in sending his letters to Sasha?
(a) His letters admit guilt, and he could not send them until the case was resolved.
(b) He thought it would upset Richard.
(c) He did not think they were legible.
(d) He thought it would upset Sasha.

7. How long after his arrest did the D.A.'s office release Richard's name to the media?
(a) 7 days.
(b) 4 days.
(c) One month.
(d) 2 days.

8. Where does Darris Young work?
(a) The Wright Center.
(b) The Nemon Center.
(c) The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.
(d) The Rosa Parks Center for Equal Justice.

9. What do the interviewing officers report as one reason Richard lit Sasha's skirt on fire?
(a) They wrote that he did it because he is homophobic.
(b) They wrote he did it because his cousin told him to.
(c) They wrote he did it because he needed money and intended to rob Sasha.
(d) They wrote he did it because he was jealous.

10. Who is one of the men who saved Sasha on the bus?
(a) Marcus Wilson.
(b) Michael Wren.
(c) James Browning.
(d) Dan Gale.

11. What objection does Jasmine have about the way the police treated Richard?
(a) She did not think he fully understood what his rights were.
(b) She thought they intimidated him by leaving him alone for days.
(c) She thought they gave him the false impression he would be able to go free.
(d) She thought they treated him physically roughly.

12. What room is Richard interviewed in when he first gets to the police station?
(a) 645.
(b) 202.
(c) 101.
(d) 300.

13. About how many people charged with hate crimes are members of an organized hate group?
(a) Fewer than 5%.
(b) About 80%.
(c) About 50%.
(d) About 20%.

14. Who created the super-predator theory?
(a) Mark Rebards.
(b) Frederick Walton.
(c) John J. Dilulio Jr.
(d) Michael Henderson.

15. Who does Richard want to talk to about what happened with Sasha before anyone else in Part III?
(a) Kaprice.
(b) Jerry.
(c) His father.
(d) Jasmine.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long after the fire is Sasha released from the hospital?

2. What does Sasha wear to their senior dance?

3. What is the date of Sasha's first surgery?

4. Who treated Sasha at the hospital?

5. What is Sasha's favorite part of the day in the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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