The 42nd Parallel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 42nd Parallel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through pgs. 193 - 214.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who sends Janey postcards when she is twenty-one?
(a) Joe.
(b) Jason.
(c) Alec.
(d) Erik.

2. What is Fainy supposed to say if anyone asks where he is taking the boxes?
(a) To a funeral home.
(b) To his house.
(c) To his mother's.
(d) To the cleaners.

3. Where does Fainy meet Bingham after saying goodbye to his family?
(a) New Mexico train station.
(b) Grand Central train station.
(c) Pacific Northwest train station.
(d) Illinois Central train station.

4. What is the 42nd parallel about?
(a) The lives of extraordinary Americans living in and trapped by the time period in which they live.
(b) The lives of ordinary Americans who inhabit the meridian line called the 42nd parallel.
(c) The lives of individuals who were driven from their homes on the meridian line called the 42nd parallel.
(d) The lives of ordinary Americans living in and trapped by the time period in which they live.

5. In News Reel II, what is the event discussed concerning George Smith and his brother?
(a) How they were hanged by a Kansas mob.
(b) How they built a time machine.
(c) How they turned to evil to avenge the death of their mother.
(d) How they robbed a bank in Cincinnati.

Short Answer Questions

1. What meeting place of revolutionaries does Mac visit in Mexico?

2. Where do Ike and Fainy finally find work in Seattle?

3. When Ike goes to the house where his mother lived, what do they see there?

4. Where does Mac find work finally in Los Angeles?

5. What is the opening newsreel clip about?

(see the answer key)

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