The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what time do the "Statutes" declare that the men should rise in the morning?
(a) 8:00 am.
(b) 10:00 am.
(c) 12:00 pm.
(d) 6:00 am.

2. The "society" collect dues for __________.
(a) Burials.
(b) Interests of pleasure.
(c) Bail.
(d) Court fines.

3. In "Ernestine, A Swedish Tale," when does the narrator leave Paris to travel to Sweden?
(a) In March of 1772.
(b) In October of 1776.
(c) In July of 1774.
(d) In April of 1770.

4. What does Madame Scholtz and Oxtiern plan to do to break up Herman and Ernestine?
(a) Get rid of Ernestine.
(b) Get rid of Herman.
(c) Have Oxtiern abduct Ernestine.
(d) Get rid of Herman and Ernestine.

5. How many courses does the mid-day meal have?
(a) Six.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the introduction to "Oxtiern," Sade was "particularly attached" to _____________.

2. At what age is Champville "deflowered"?

3. The window of Mademoiselle Ernestine's opens to face _____________.

4. Whom does Fabrice call the most dangerous man in Sweden?

5. With whom does Fabrice wish the Count to lodge?

Short Essay Questions

1. In a short summary, what happens during the action of Duclos' story?

2. Why does the narrator wish to see the famous mines in Sweden?

3. What does the Duc require of Curval if he is to allow Curval to marry his daughter Julie?

4. What were the pairings of the "four libertines"?

5. Why do Oxtiern and Madame Scholtz scheme to keep Ernestine and Herman apart?

6. What do the "four libertines" do to strengthen their ties?

7. What are the stage directions for Act One?

8. During the sixth week festival in December, what happens?

9. What did the introduction of "Oxtiern" state about the play?

10. What does Martaine state that she wants to do on the 10th of January?

(see the answer keys)

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