That Hideous Strength Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

That Hideous Strength Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jane do when she sees the man from her dreams getting into a car belonging to the N.I.C.E.?
(a) Runs to meet him.
(b) Follows the car he gets in as far as she can.
(c) Goes to St. Anne's.
(d) Calls Dr. Dimble.

2. What does Mark not want as his primary job if he takes a position with the N.I.C.E.?
(a) Sociology.
(b) Research.
(c) Writing.
(d) Teaching.

3. How does Mark see Lord Feverstone when they pass a mirror?
(a) He has cotton stuck to his face where he nicked himself shaving.
(b) He looks small, cold, and evil.
(c) He looks like the master of his clothing.
(d) He has someone following in his shadow.

4. What does Jane learn about the man from her recurring dream when she goes to St. Anne's and tells them of her dream?
(a) He is collecting information about her.
(b) He is symbolic of her husband.
(c) He is her father.
(d) He is searching for her to kill her.

5. What is Mark's first impression of Miss Hardcastle?
(a) She is cold and austere.
(b) She is fearsome and powerful.
(c) She is incredibly attractive.
(d) She is warm and welcoming.

6. Why is Mrs. Dimble at Jane's house while Mark is away?
(a) Dr. Dimble has been called away, and she fears being alone.
(b) She is worried about Jane and her dreams.
(c) She feels sorry for Jane's loneliness while Mark is away on business.
(d) The N.I.C.E. has a wrecking crew at their house already.

7. What is different in the atmosphere between Edgestow and St. Anne's?
(a) The sun always shines on St. Anne's.
(b) There is a happy feeling as one enters the gates of St. Anne's.
(c) The grass is greener at St. Anne's.
(d) There is no fog at St. Anne's.

8. Who is at Jane's bedside when she wakes up after her night at the riot?
(a) Mr. Ransom.
(b) Mrs. Maggs.
(c) The Fairy.
(d) Mark.

9. What advice does the leader at St. Anne's give Jane concerning her marriage when she first meets him?
(a) She should try to have a baby with Mark.
(b) She should be more vocal about her wishes.
(c) She should put Mark's happiness before her own.
(d) She should be more submissive.

10. What happens to the man in Jane's dream who was in a car coming home in the dark?
(a) He is beaten to death.
(b) He gets in a terrible car crash.
(c) He is hit by lightning.
(d) He is lost in the woods and falls in a well.

11. Why does Mark feel so awkward at lunch on his first day at Belbury?
(a) He does not like the food being served, but feels that he cannot refuse it.
(b) He is nervous about not measuring up to the strict standards normal to the N.I.C.E.
(c) He is starting to feel suspicious of the motives behind the N.I.C.E.
(d) Lord Feverstone left him alone, and he feels out of place without his host.

12. What mythical character does Mr. Dimble refer to while speaking with Jane about Bragdon Wood?
(a) Zeuss.
(b) The Norse God of Thunder.
(c) King Arthur.
(d) Saint Nicholas.

13. Why can Mrs. Maggs no longer work for Jane?
(a) She is now working for the N.I.C.E.
(b) She is now working for St. Anne's.
(c) She has quit due to her poor treatment by Jane.
(d) Her house is also in Bragdon Wood and is being torn down.

14. What is in the center of Bragdon Wood?
(a) A fence of stone.
(b) A very deep and mysterious well.
(c) A natural spring of tainted water.
(d) An old cottage said to once house Merlin.

15. What special privilege does Mr. Wither offer Mark that Mark does not want to accept?
(a) Witnessing first-hand the punishment of an accused murderer.
(b) Joining The Fairy to be trained in her art of interrogation.
(c) Allowing Jane to join the N.I.C.E. with her husband.
(d) To write a detailed account of Mr. Wither's duties.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mr. Wither upset at the Fairy for trying to take Jane by force at the riot?

2. What must Jane do in order to join St. Anne's?

3. What name is Mr. Denniston also known by?

4. What is Cosser's duty in the countryside?

5. How does Mr. Wither seem to Mark during their conversation when Mark is first introduced at Belbury?

(see the answer keys)

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