Thank You M'am' Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 50 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thank You M'am' Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 50 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of home does the woman live in?
(a) An apartment.
(b) A single-family home.
(c) A hotel.
(d) A rooming house.

2. What does the woman say that she did to get things she wanted when she was young?
(a) She says she did things she would not tell the boy.
(b) She says she used to lie, cheat, and steal.
(c) She said she never got anything nice when she was a child.
(d) She said she worked hard.

3. What does the woman leave on her daybed when she goes to cook for the boy?
(a) Her necklace.
(b) Her jacket.
(c) Her purse.
(d) Her watch.

4. What does the woman have in her room to cook and store food?
(a) A cooler and a hot plate.
(b) Cupboards and a stovetop.
(c) A refrigerator and an oven.
(d) A gas plate and an icebox.

5. What does the boy ask the woman while she cooks?
(a) Where she learned to cook.
(b) Where she works.
(c) If she needs milk from the store.
(d) If she wants him to set the table.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the woman give the boy after they finish dessert?

2. What does the woman say shoes "come by devilish" (5) will do?

3. What does the woman have the boy do as soon as he gets inside her room?

4. What does the author repeat about the woman's home to let the reader know the boy could leave?

5. Who does the boy say is waiting at his house?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Mrs. Jones live? How is the place described? How does the boy know there are others in the house?

2. What does Mrs. Jones tell the boy to do while she makes them something to eat?

3. What does the boy say to the woman before he leaves? What did he want to say?

4. What words are used to describe the way Mrs. Jones handles the boy as the takes him out the street to her house?

5. In what way does Mrs. Jones show the boy trust while she cooks them a meal?

6. What does the boy tell Mrs. Jones when she asks if he has eaten supper?

7. In what ways does Mrs. Jones show the boy kindness as he gets ready to wash his face?

8. How is the boy described as looking and acting while Mrs. Jones pulls him up the street toward her house?

9. What does the boy tell the woman he wanted to buy when he tried to steal her purse? What does she say he could have done instead?

10. When Mrs. Jones finally lets the boy go, what does he notice before going to the sink?

(see the answer keys)

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