Objects & Places from Thank You For Your Service

David Finkel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Thank You For Your Service

David Finkel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Thank You For Your Service Lesson Plans

FOB Rustamiyah, Iraq

This is the place where Adam was deployed when his best friend was killed in combat. This is where Adam first began having mental health issues.

Lottery Tickets

Buying these causes stress between Adam and Saskia because they have so little money. Adam purchases these at a convenience store and Saskia thinks he is throwing money away.

A Piece of the Bomb that Killed James

Adam finds this in his friend’s body armor when he is cleaning it. He gives it to his friend’s widow.

Grandview Plaza

This is an apartment complex where Tausolo, his wife, and many other soldiers and their families live.

Haven Behavioral War Heroes Hospital

This is the treatment center Nic attends. It offers a four-week program for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Warrior Transition Battalion

This is a special unit for soldiers who are considered high risk for...

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