Thank You for Smoking Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thank You for Smoking Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the boxes of condoms what Jeannette kept handing Nick during sex?

2. Why is the cab driver nervous about being tailed as he drives Nick in Chapter 25?

3. In Chapter 13, what words does Sven subliminally embed int he anti-smoking ad he makes for the Academy?

4. Who does Nick find in his office in Chapter 25?

5. What does the Captain want Lady Bents speaking against publicly in Chapter 16?

Short Essay Questions

1. What plan is Senator Finisterre trying to pass through Congress in Chapter 19?

2. What vision does Nick have at the beginning of Chapter 15?

3. How has Sven improved the anti-underage-smoking campaign in Chapter 13?

4. What does Nick think truly has happened to him since the attack?

5. Who is Jack Bein?

6. How does Nick convince Lady Bent to speak against trade regulations in Chapter 16?

7. Describe Nick's arrest in Chapter 24?

8. How is Nick's tryst in Chapter 15 with Jeannette odd?

9. How does Nick convince Lorne Lutch to take the bribe in Chapter 18?

10. Why does Nick decide to go to Winston-Salem in Chapter 25?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay about the Academy of Tobacco Studies. Begin by analyzing its name, how it is itself an act of brazen deception. Who founds the Academy, and what historical event in the late 1950's precipitates its founding? At the beginning of the novel, what is the public perception of the Academy and Nick as a representative of it? In summation, discuss how the Academy serves as a symbol for all lobbyists in the novel.

Essay Topic 2

The narrative of Thank You for Smoking is peppered with interactions between Nick Naylor and individuals that he wants to encourage to join the push in improving tobacco's image. Write an essay about these interchanges. What does each person have to offer big tobacco? How does Naylor go about convincing individual in question that teaming up with the Academy is a good idea? What compromised ethics are required in this deal?

Part 1) Penelope Dent

Part 2) Jeff Megall

Part 3) Lorne Lutch

Essay Topic 3

The Washington, DC, of Thank You for Smoking is one in which trusted - or at least reliable - institutions are crumbling and corrupt. They live by lies and the drive of individual ambition of those within them. Write an essay in three parts about the lapsed institutions of the novel:

Part 1) The dominant culture of Washington, DC, is politics. What is known about the politicians in the novel? Are they intelligent, trustworthy, or ethical? Do they want much of anything beyond publicity? Cite individual examples of politicians in the text.

Part 2) The press in Washington, DC, is primarily represented by the character of Heather Holloway. What is her primary objective in the novel, and how does she go about attaining it? Are her tactics in keeping with what one would generally call journalistic ethics?

Part 3) Nick Naylor bends over backwards trying to justify his work in the lobbying industry in Washington D.C. How is his lobby ethically compromised beyond even the lax standards of lobbying firms in general? Who in the Academy is most indicative of this internal rot?

(see the answer keys)

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