Thank You for Smoking Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thank You for Smoking Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what related business did B.R come to the Academy of Tobacco Studies?
(a) The United States Senate.
(b) Tobacco farmers.
(c) Vending machines.
(d) Advertising.

2. What two talking points does Naylor cite in Chapter 1's call to a dubious periodical?
(a) Insufficient test groups and foregone conclusions.
(b) Divergent medical opinions and anti-industry bias.
(c) Poorly-trained researchers and poorly-worded surveys.
(d) Hidden health benefits and internal corruption.

3. What does Bobby Jay Bliss and Polly bet on in Chapter 7?
(a) Whether Polly will take Hector back.
(b) Whether Naylor will reveal anything to Heather.
(c) Whose lunch is more expensive.
(d) Whether Bobby Jay can get Carter to support gun rights.

4. What is written on the sign the nico-terrorist put on Nick in Chapter 12?
(a) King of the Liars.
(b) Executed for Crimes Against Humanity.
(c) Sic Septer Tyranus.
(d) Please Deliver to Hell.

5. Who else is on the panel on which Naylor sits in the Prologue?
(a) Tobacco executives.
(b) Anti-smoking proponents.
(c) Politicians.
(d) Marketing analysts.

6. What was Lorne Lutch's occupation before he got cancer?
(a) Tobacco executive.
(b) Cigarette advertising icon.
(c) Bartender.
(d) Tobacco farmer.

7. With what television journalist does Polly have an interview regarding fetal alcohol syndrome in Chapter 7?
(a) Mike Wallace.
(b) Diane Sawyer.
(c) Barbara Walters.
(d) Tim Russert.

8. What recent surgery has the Captain undergone when Naylor meets him in Chapter 6?
(a) A pace-maker implant.
(b) A knee replacement.
(c) A kidney transplant.
(d) A quadruple bypass.

9. What is the name of the organization to which Gordon Craighead belongs?
(a) Coalition to End Drunk Driving.
(b) Office of Substance Abuse Prevention.
(c) Temperance International.
(d) Committee for Responsible Living.

10. Sammy Najeeb is a producer for what news program?
(a) 60 Minutes.
(b) CBS Nightly News.
(c) Larry King Live.
(d) Nightline.

11. Which coworker comes to Naylor's office with overly-excited praise in Chapter 7?
(a) Gomez O'Neal.
(b) BR.
(c) Jeannette.
(d) Gazelle.

12. In Chapter 12, what do the two D.C. policeman think Nick is?
(a) A drunk congressman.
(b) A junkie.
(c) A dog.
(d) A pile of garbage.

13. At the end of Chapter 9, what does Heather say attracts her to Nick?
(a) The way he smokes.
(b) His preternatural cool.
(c) His absence of morality.
(d) His gift for rationalization.

14. In the Prologue, what does the autocrat in Naylor's story do to those caught selling tobacco?
(a) He burns them alive.
(b) He imprisons them.
(c) He beheads them.
(d) He cuts off their hands.

15. How long does B.R. give Naylor to come up with a new media plan for the Academy?
(a) The weekend.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) One month.
(d) One day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does B.R. not do that is odd given his position at the Academy?

2. In Chapter 1, how does Nick characterize JJ Hollister?

3. What international issue is Bailey's ex-boyfriend Hector fiercely concerned about?

4. What request does Reverend Griggs make of Naylor in Chapter 10?

5. What body part did Bobby Jay Bliss lose in the Vietnam War?

(see the answer keys)

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