Tevye the Dairyman and the Railroad Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tevye the Dairyman and the Railroad Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What convinces the Jews of Bohopoli to become "poliakovs" or people work for the railroad?
(a) They were given a tax break.
(b) They were forced to work on the railroad by the army.
(c) It was an easy way to make money.
(d) They were anxious to be able to travel to St. Petersburg more easily.

2. What is the name of the girl Danielschik marries?
(a) Gooda.
(b) Hilde.
(c) Hodl.
(d) Osna.

3. What relief fund does Yoyl have to contribute to when he loses a bet?
(a) The Avelikz education fund.
(b) The Drozhne relief fund.
(c) The local orphanage.
(d) The local emigration fund.

4. How much money does Danielschik request for his ticket to America?
(a) 400 rubles.
(b) 100 rubles.
(c) 150 rubles.
(d) 300 rubles.

5. What does Berko do for a living?
(a) He is a tailor.
(b) He makes vinegar.
(c) He is a cantor.
(d) He is a mason.

6. Where does Berko go after the train stops?
(a) He travels up the line.
(b) He returns home.
(c) He spends the holiday with friends in Heysen.
(d) He is taken to jail for starting the locamotive.

7. What is the name of Moshke's insurance agent?
(a) Hershel.
(b) Paysi.
(c) Itzl.
(d) Zaynvel.

8. Why doesn't the narrator in trouble at the end of Fated for Misfortune?
(a) He is bankrupt.
(b) He has stolen money.
(c) He did not keep account books.
(d) He has broken his leg.

9. How is Noyach Tonkonog able to read a telegram about the upcoming pogrom?
(a) He owns a printshop and is connected to officials.
(b) He has a close friend who is a Christian that gives it to him.
(c) He accidentily sees it while making deliveries.
(d) He does not reveal how he sees the telegram.

10. What does The Man from Buenos Aires hope to find in his hometown?
(a) A loyal dog.
(b) His childhood home.
(c) A wife.
(d) His missing brother.

11. How does the train eventually stop?
(a) It runs off track and crashes.
(b) Train engineers manage to put something on the tracks to stop it.
(c) It loses momentum climbing a steep hill.
(d) It runs out of fuel.

12. Why does the 60-year-old man claim to hate reading the newspaper?
(a) Because reading on the train gives him motion sickness.
(b) Because the newspaper depresses him.
(c) Because it is not his hometown newspaper.
(d) Because he is not a good reader.

13. How does the Priest treat Berko after the train stops?
(a) He shakes hands with him.
(b) He shouts curses at him.
(c) He completely ignores him.
(d) He punches him.

14. How do the gossips explain the death of Yoyl Tashker's wife?
(a) They claim she committed suicide.
(b) They claim she died in a fire started by Yoyl.
(c) The claim she died of hunger.
(d) They claim he beat her to death.

15. What does the son score lowly on the second time he takes the exams in High School?
(a) Mathematics.
(b) Hebrew.
(c) History.
(d) Spelling.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Itsik short for?

2. Which city reports a cholera epidemic in the newspaper in A Game of Sixty-Six?

3. What is the name of the contractor that arranges the bribe for the Heysen Merchant?

4. What was the name of Rayzl's birth mother?

5. Where did the train accident happen in The MIracle of Hoshana Rabbah?

(see the answer keys)

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