Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Angel is preparing to leave on the train, he gets a telegram telling him what?

2. When Tess hears that Angel asked someone to accompany him to Brazil, she decides to make a journey. Where does she set off for, and why?

3. In the last scene of the book, what do Angel and Liza Lu do?

4. What does Angel expect Tess to do when she sees him?

5. Alec tells Tess of a bad omen. What?

Short Essay Questions

1. Several individuals are instrumental in changing Angel's attitude towards Tess during their estrangement. Describe what they do, and Angel's reaction to this.

2. Describe the scene in which Angel is sleepwalking. What significance does this scene have?

3. Describe the scene of Alec's murder.

4. In Chapter 34, Tess finally feels safe in telling Angel the truth. What has made her finally feel sure he will forgive her?

5. In Chapter 41, Tess encounters some dying pheasants on her way to Flintcomb Ash. What is the significance of the pheasants?

6. When Angel learns that Tess is at Sandbourne and has taken the name Mrs. D'Urberville, what does he think?

7. What surprise does Angel plan for their honeymoon? What does he hope to prove to Tess by this plan?

8. What new disaster befalls the Durbeyfields in Chapter 49?

9. In Chapter 50, how does Tess's attitude towards Alec start to change, and why?

10. When Alec returns to Flintcomb Ash and asks Tess a second time to marry him, what does this scene show about his so-called religious conversion?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Throughout the novel, Tess is constantly pursued (by Angel, by Alec, by poverty, by bad luck, and perhaps by fate). Hardy makes this theme clear using a number of symbolic references, such as the scene with the dying pheasants, and reference to the place where Alec seduced her as "The Chase". Discuss at least three such symbols and say how they add to the overall atmosphere of oppression that surrounds Tess as 'the hunted' character.

Essay Topic 2

When Tess decides to go to Talbothays Dairy to work as a dairymaid, it is clear that she wants to get away from the past. But Hardy says that she is also partially motivated by "the invincible instinct towards self-delight." Discuss what he means by this, and whether you think it applies to Tess. Make sure you use concrete examples from the text to back up what you say.

Essay Topic 3

Alec asks Tess to wear a veil so that she won't tempt him. Then he asks her to swear on a holy icon that she will never tempt him again. What does this scene say about Alec's attitude towards Tess particularly, and women in general?

(see the answer keys)

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