Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes along just as a fight is about to break out between Tess and another woman?
(a) Alec.
(b) The D'Uberville's horsemaster.
(c) The Queen of Spades.
(d) Abraham.

2. How does Angel react when Tess tells him about her past?
(a) He thinks that being a D'Urberville will make his parents accept her all the more readily.
(b) He is angry.
(c) He is confused because he thinks she should be proud of her family connections.
(d) He suggests she make contact with the D'Urbervilles.

3. In Chapter 27 what does Angel do on his return to Talbothays?
(a) Asks Tess to marry him.
(b) Pursues one of the other dairymaids.
(c) Asks Tess to run away with him.
(d) Tells Mr. Crick he is leaving his job.

4. What conditions does Tess place on her agreement to go live with the D'Urbervilles in Tantridge?
(a) She agrees to go if her mother forgives her for her role in the horse's death.
(b) She will ask if she can work for them, but she won't ask them for money.
(c) She will go if she can have new clothes so she will fit in.
(d) She will go if she can take Abraham with her.

5. In Chapter 25 Angel decides to go back to his parents' home. Why?
(a) To get away from Tess.
(b) Because his father is ill.
(c) To ask their opinion about his desire to marry Tess.
(d) To join the clergy.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the trip to Tantridge, Tess considers returning home. Why?

2. What kind of work does Tess do at Talbothays?

3. Why does Tess blame herself for the death of the horse?

4. What motivates Tess to make a promise to Angel?

5. When her parents still don't come home, what does Tess finally do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Tess's reaction when Angel finally confesses his love for her?

2. Why does Tess go to work at Talbothays, and what does she hope will happen once she is away from home?

3. In Chapter 19, Hardy introduces another of the perceived road blocks to the relationship between Tess and Angel, from her point of view. What?

4. In Chapter 15, how does Hardy show that Tess is still suffering from depression and hopelessness?

5. Tess tries once more to get the courage to tell Angel the truth. In Chapter 30, what happens when she tries?

6. Why does Tess feel threatened when she first sees Angel at Talbothays?

7. Why does Tess tell Angel she will explain everything to him the next Sunday?

8. Describe what happens when Angel arrives back at Talbothays after visiting his parents.

9. Why is Tess upset when her baby becomes ill and dies, and what does this show about her attitude towards religion?

10. Angel uses the phrase "Three Leahs to get to one Rachel." What does he mean by this?

(see the answer keys)

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