Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Marlott, Angel discovers what?
(a) The burial plot of Tess's baby.
(b) The burial plot of Tess's mother.
(c) The burial plot of Tess's sister.
(d) The burial plot of Tess's father.

2. Tess makes a request of Angel, in case something happens to her. What does she ask?
(a) She asks him to bury her body at Stonehenge.
(b) She asks him to marry Izz.
(c) She asks him to marry Liza Lu.
(d) She asks him to bury her body at sea.

3. What 'bad omen' occurs just as Angel and Tess are leaving the farm?
(a) One of the cows miscarries.
(b) A rooster crows in the afternoon.
(c) None.
(d) There is a ghost in the carriage.

4. Angel has hung ____ over the marriage bed.
(a) The wedding certificate.
(b) Mistletoe.
(c) Gauze curtains.
(d) Roses.

5. While the family is camping out of doors after they've left Marlott, Alec notices that Tess is not there. He goes in search of her and finds her where?
(a) In the church looking at the tombs of her ancestors.
(b) Looking at the carriage, to see if she can discover why it is an ill omen.
(c) In the church praying.
(d) In the field behind the burial grounds.

6. What does Alec tell Tess in Chapter 47, when she refuses him yet again?
(a) That he is her master, and always will be.
(b) That he is going to Africa to forget her.
(c) That he thinks she is being foolish.
(d) That she is his slave and always will be.

7. Angel receives another letter, written anonymously by whom?
(a) Alec.
(b) Marian and Izz.
(c) Rhetty and Izz.
(d) Marian and Rhetty.

8. What does Tess find out from Marian?
(a) That Angel asked Izz to go away with him.
(b) That Angel asked Liza Lu to go away with him.
(c) That Angel asked Rhetty to go away with him.
(d) That Angel asked Car Darch to go away with him.

9. Angel finally learns that Tess is where?
(a) Sandbourne.
(b) Brazil, looking for him.
(c) Tantridge.
(d) With his parents.

10. When Alec appears again, in Chapter 47, he blames Tess for ____.
(a) Causing him to lose his faith.
(b) Causing a rift between him and his family.
(c) Causing him to become lazy.
(d) Driving him into missionary work.

11. In Chapter 49, who does Tess learn has died?
(a) Angel.
(b) Mr. Crick.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her mother.

12. After Angel returns from Brazil, he leaves his parents' home and sets out to look for Tess. Where does he go first to look for her?
(a) Emminister.
(b) Kingsbere.
(c) Flintcomb Ash.
(d) Marlott.

13. How does Tess kill Alec?
(a) Hits him on the head with a heavy carving.
(b) Stabs him in the back with a carving knife.
(c) Drowns him.
(d) Stabs him in the heart with a carving knife.

14. Who does Tess see working the fields for her parents in Chapter 49?
(a) The parson.
(b) Alec.
(c) Angel.
(d) Abraham.

15. As Angel is preparing to leave on the train, he gets a telegram telling him what?
(a) His brother Cuthbert is marrying Mercy Chant.
(b) His brother Cuthbert is marrying the Queen of Spades.
(c) His brother Felix is marrying Mercy Chant.
(d) His brother Felix is marrying Mercy Chant.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the first night of their marriage, Tess and Angel _____.

2. Alec insists Tess swear by a stone monument that she will not tempt him again. What is the monument?

3. Angel reconsiders his attitude towards Tess and his rejection of her, when ___.

4. Angel and Tess agree to separate. What does Angel tell Tess when they part?

5. Tess sends a letter to ____ asking for advice about whether she should tell Angel the truth.

(see the answer keys)

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