Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Angel's father refused to send him to college. Why?
(a) Angel has rejected religious principles and won't be part of the clergy, so his father thinks he doesn't really need a college education.
(b) He thinks college is a waste of money.
(c) Angel's family is wealthy so he won't need to study for a career.
(d) He can't afford it.

2. What does Mr. Durbeyfield do after he talks to the parson?
(a) He tells his family he's rich.
(b) He hires a carriage to drive him home.
(c) He goes back to the pub.
(d) He decides to take a walk by the river.

3. Why does Tess wake up at 2 a.m.?
(a) She had a bad dream.
(b) She's worried about the family's finances and can't sleep.
(c) She has to take the bee hives to market in another town.
(d) Her sister is crying.

4. When Tess first sees Angel, what is her reaction?
(a) She is happy to see someone familiar-looking.
(b) She doesn't like him at all.
(c) She is afraid he might recognize her.
(d) She thinks he is funny-looking.

5. Where do Angel's parents live?
(a) Marlott.
(b) Sandbourne.
(c) Emminister.
(d) Vale of Froom.

6. Tess receives an offer of work at Tantridge taking care of the _____.
(a) Birds.
(b) Laundry.
(c) Goats.
(d) Children.

7. When her parents still don't come home, what does Tess finally do?
(a) Locks the other children in the cottage and goes to fetch her parents.
(b) Sends her sister to find them.
(c) Asks a neighbor to go get them.
(d) Goes to sleep.

8. Tess considers telling Angel about her link with the D'Urbervilles, but decides against it. Why?
(a) She isn't sure she wants anyone to know.
(b) She is afraid he will think she is putting on airs.
(c) She thinks he won't believe her.
(d) Mr. Crick tells her Angel has scorn for old noble families.

9. What objection does Angel make to the woman his parents want him to marry?
(a) She is afraid of cows.
(b) She is not as virtuous as Tess.
(c) She is not religious enough.
(d) She is too delicate and refined.

10. At the dance, why does Angel leave without talking to Tess?
(a) He thinks she is busy talking to someone else.
(b) He wants to see if Tess is watching him.
(c) He is too shy.
(d) He has to go catch up with his brother.

11. In Chapter 13, what does Tess discover?
(a) She is pregnant.
(b) Her mother is pregnant.
(c) She can't remember what Alec looked like.
(d) The family fortunes have improved.

12. Tess takes a job as a ____ to support her baby.
(a) Dairy maid.
(b) Cook.
(c) Nanny.
(d) Thresher.

13. In Chapter 25 Angel decides to go back to his parents' home. Why?
(a) To ask their opinion about his desire to marry Tess.
(b) To join the clergy.
(c) Because his father is ill.
(d) To get away from Tess.

14. What does Mr. Crick think made the butter taste unpleasant?
(a) The milk is too warm, and has started to turn sour.
(b) The cows have been eating garlic weeds.
(c) The butter churn is not working properly.
(d) The cows are nervous and are giving bad milk.

15. Why has Tess made a pact with the other dairymaids?
(a) She believes she is too lowly and impure to marry.
(b) She wanted to gain the other dairymaids' trust.
(c) She wants to avoid having them be jealous of her.
(d) She was coerced into it.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Alec react when Tess tells him how she feels about what has happened between them?

2. What does Tess finally decide the relationship between herself and Angel?

3. In Chapter 1, Mr. Durbeyfield meets the parson on the road. How does the parson greet him?

4. What plan does Tess's mother come up with to help the family?

5. What is Tess's reaction to the job offer at Tantridge?

(see the answer keys)

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