Tesla, Man Out of Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Cheney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tesla, Man Out of Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret Cheney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What trait is suspected by some about Nikola Tesla during the Gilded Age?
(a) He is bipolar.
(b) He is a virgin.
(c) He is passive aggressive.
(d) He is a homosexual.

2. For what does Nikola offer a plan to redesign for Edison?
(a) His dynamos.
(b) His direct current laboratory.
(c) The electric light bulb.
(d) Electrical systems for ships.

3. In Chapter 13, "Hurler of Lightning," to where does Nikola Tesla move in 1899?
(a) Colorado Springs.
(b) Boise.
(c) Phoenix.
(d) Denver.

4. What is the Tesla coil?
(a) A high frequency transmitter.
(b) A radio wave.
(c) A vacuum tube.
(d) An electromagnetic force.

5. From what financier does Nikola Tesla choose NOT to accept funds?
(a) Robert Underwood Johnson.
(b) George Westinghouse.
(c) J. Pierpont Morgan.
(d) Thomas Edison.

6. In Chapter 13, what is the invention that most fascinates Nikola Tesla followers?
(a) The Copper Button Lamp.
(b) The valve.
(c) The remote controlled ship.
(d) The transmitter.

7. What does Nikola Tesla ask Westinghouse to do with their royalties agreement?
(a) Split it.
(b) Double the value.
(c) Tear it up.
(d) Sell it.

8. By 1981, how many patents does Nikola Tesla get for AC electric systems?
(a) 35.
(b) 45.
(c) 50.
(d) 40.

9. To what author is Nikola Tesla introduced while ill as a child?
(a) Herman Melville.
(b) Robert Louis Stevenson.
(c) Mark Twain.
(d) Robert Browning.

10. What event takes Nikola Tesla away from radio research in 1893?
(a) A bad radio experiment.
(b) A scientists' meeting in London.
(c) The World Congress.
(d) The Chicago World's Fair.

11. What happens to Nikola Tesla when he steps onto his experimental platform in his laboratory?
(a) He is burned.
(b) He is fine.
(c) He loses consciousness.
(d) He shudders.

12. What happens when Nikola Tesla visits an official in Washington to offer a robotic invention to the government?
(a) The official asks for more research.
(b) The official tells him someone already approached the government.
(c) The official laughs at Nikola Tesla.
(d) The official accepts the research.

13. In what city does Nikola Tesla give a lecture to the Institution of Electrical Engineers?
(a) London.
(b) New York.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Toronto.

14. In what year does Nikola Tesla go to work for Thomas Edison's subsidiary in Paris?
(a) 1882.
(b) 1881.
(c) 1880.
(d) 1883.

15. Where is the Palm Room?
(a) In the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
(b) In the St. Regis Hotel.
(c) In the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
(d) In the Plaza Hotel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Nikola Tesla's first two-way radio controlled object?

2. How many accidents does Nikola Tesla say he has in a year?

3. In what year does Nikola Tesla describe in detail the principles of radio broadcasting?

4. Where does Charles Batchelor encourage Nikola Tesla to go?

5. What reward does Thomas Edison offer Nikola Tesla for completing the work with the dynamo?

(see the answer keys)

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