Termination Shock Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Termination Shock Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Laks to smell something incredibly disagreeable as he is putting on his turban outside the gas station?
(a) Laks is close to a situation that is dangerous to him.
(b) Laks is smelling himself after not showering for quite some time.
(c) Laks is smelling manure from hundreds of cows.
(d) Laks is smelling the gas station.

2. What finally causes T.R. to admit that the violence in Tuaba has escalated?
(a) When the mine pipeline gets blown up.
(b) When Uncle Ed's depot comes under attack.
(c) When mine construction equipment is sabotaged.
(d) When people with guns surround the mine.

3. How does Rufus find out who Squeegee Ninja is?
(a) By watching Youtube videos of Big Fish and Pippa helps him make the connection.
(b) One of the Black Hat operatives does research and calls Rufus.
(c) Tsolmon recognizes him in the Youtube videos.
(d) Gopinder finds out what Laks is doing and calls Rufus.

4. What type of eagles do the falconers have?
(a) Bald eagles.
(b) Spanish eagles.
(c) Steppe eagles.
(d) Golden eagles.

5. What scuba diver does Saskia meet on the Crescent?
(a) Mitch Boskey.
(b) Lennert.
(c) Jules.
(d) Mary Boskey.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who meets Willem and speaks to him in Fuzhounese after he and Amelia are dropped off to their safe place after leaving the hospital?

2. Who is Squeegee Ninja?

3. How does Fahd say that Saudi Arabia will continue to make money after the oil runs out?

4. What is the company called that owns the mine in Tuaba?

5. According to uncle Dharmender, what does it mean when someone looks up theatrically in conversation?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about the conversation that T.R.'s security personnel have about Laks when they watch him on the security camera footage?

2. What is the second deepfake video involving Saskia about?

3. Why is it important for India that Laks, a human, stop Pina2bo when it would be easier for a drone to do it?

4. What is the significance of a plane that can fly in the stratosphere and deliver sulfur exactly where the people who control the plane want it to go?

5. According to Pippa and Rufus what is performative war?

6. How does India shut down all the electronics at Flying S? How is this part of the performative war?

7. Why does Rufus decide to defend Flying S and Pina2bo from whatever he guesses Laks is going to do to it?

8. On the way to dropping off Laks at the Columbia River, what is Uncle Dharmender trying to say to Laks?

9. In the chapter titled "St. Patrick's," who does it seem is fighting whom and why?

10. In light of more falconers coming to Flying S Ranch, what does Rufus take up as his new role at Flying S?

(see the answer keys)

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