Termination Shock Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Termination Shock Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rufus find out who Squeegee Ninja is?
(a) By watching Youtube videos of Big Fish and Pippa helps him make the connection.
(b) Tsolmon recognizes him in the Youtube videos.
(c) One of the Black Hat operatives does research and calls Rufus.
(d) Gopinder finds out what Laks is doing and calls Rufus.

2. What does Fahd bin Talal offer to give to Saskia?
(a) An electric self-driving car.
(b) A yacht.
(c) A personal drone capable of flying a person in it.
(d) A jet airplane.

3. What does Rufus see when he first uses his binoculars after everything goes dark?
(a) He sees Black Hat operatives running in the dark to strategic positions.
(b) He sees eagles swooping.
(c) He sees the eyes of what look like coyotes on the next ridge.
(d) He sees the nets hitting the ground.

4. Once in the hospital where do Willem and Amelia go to stay for the rest of the day?
(a) Back to Sneeuwberg.
(b) To The Mandarin Hotel.
(c) Back to Uncle Ed's
(d) To the airport.

5. Who meets Willem and speaks to him in Fuzhounese after he and Amelia are dropped off to their safe place after leaving the hospital?
(a) Willem's husband.
(b) Willem's father.
(c) Willem's niece Beatrix.
(d) Bo.

6. What does Rufus' grandmother call him?
(a) Wapepah.
(b) Eka.
(c) Numunuu.
(d) Danne.

7. What are the falconers and Rufus training the eagles to do?
(a) Wear cameras on their legs and take footage of the ranch.
(b) Hunt rattlesnakes.
(c) Fight drones.
(d) Send and receive messages.

8. What is in the hangar to which Fahd takes Saskia?
(a) An airplane.
(b) Banks of computers doing climate model computations.
(c) Piles of sulfur.
(d) Self-flying drones.

9. What is the name of the mountain on which the mine is located?
(a) Kubor.
(b) Sneeuwberg.
(c) Wilhelm.
(d) Victoria.

10. Who accompanies Saskia on her trip to Vadan?
(a) Cornelia.
(b) Rufus.
(c) Michiel.
(d) T.R.

11. What do The falconers shout that causes Rufus to leave his video call conversation?
(a) Coming in for a landing!
(b) Get out of the way!
(c) Shooting star!
(d) Rattlesnake!

12. What does T.R. want to do on Sneeuwberg?
(a) Build a tourist attraction.
(b) Build a sulfur launch site.
(c) Build a climate observation tower.
(d) Expand the mining operation to include gold.

13. Who owns the Crescent?
(a) Fahd Bin Talal.
(b) Saskia.
(c) Cornelia.
(d) T.R.

14. Who does Willem say is very angry at T.R.?
(a) India.
(b) The Americans.
(c) The Venetians.
(d) The Netherlands.

15. Who picks up Laks after he arrives in the United States?
(a) A Indian looking man in a semi-truck.
(b) Kadar
(c) A white cowboy in a pick up truck.
(d) Major Raju.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Uncle Ed's business?

2. What is the event of the conference that happens during the conference lunch break?

3. What does Rufus make for the eagles?

4. After whom is the hospital in Tuaba named?

5. Laks wakes up in a smaller section of a larger city after being injured at the Line of Actual Control. What is the name of the smaller section?

(see the answer keys)

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