Tender Is the Night Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tender Is the Night Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tommy Barban

Half-American, half-European, this character is a mercenary soldier with few refined qualities.

Luis Campion

This character is the effeminate friend of the McKiscos.

Prince Chillicheff

This character is the Russian prince whom Tommy Barban rescues from Russia.

Collis Clay

This character is a young graduate of Yale and an acquaintance of Rosemary's.

Dick Diver

The protagonist of the novel, this character is a complex, handsome, and brilliant up-and-coming young psychiatrist when he is first introduced.

Lanier Diver

This character is Dick and Nicole's son.

Nicole Diver

This character is the daughter of a wealthy Chicago magnate and is portrayed as a weak and pathetic character.

Topsy Diver

This character is Dick and Nicole's daughter, about whom very little is written.

Dr. Dohmler

This character is the psychologist who initially handles Nicole's case at the Zurich clinic that Dick first joins.

T. F. Golding

This character owns...

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